running into trouble

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Natsu P.O.V

I saw Lucy talking with Mira, Levy, and Juvia, I walked up to her grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her into an empty corner.

"Lucy....." I paused before going on why was this so difficult to say.

"W-What is it Natsu?" I could see Lucy trying not to blush she looked cute when she blushed.

"I want you to come back to team Natsu." I blurted out which shocked her.

I really wanted her back on the team for multiple reasons but the most important reason to me was because i miss having her around I dont know how to explain the feeling i get when I'm around her. I used to have the same feelings towards Lisanna but the one i have against Lucy is 10 times stronger.

"Natsu I-I don't know what to say........" she hesitated but then i grabbed her hands and held it to my chest.

"Please say yes we need you" i asked as sweetly as i could.

*Mira P.O.V*

I was talking to Lucy,Levy and Juvia about Lucy's training when Natsu grabbed Lucy and dragged her into an empty corner. I turned to face Juvia and Levy.

"Have you noticed that Natsu has been acting weird ever since lucy came back?" i asked Levy and Juvia.

Levy and Juvia agreed we kept on watching Natsu and Lucy then Natsu did somethings crazy. He grabbed Lucy's hands held it in his and put it to his chest. Levy, Juvia, and I sqeualed in unison.

"Natsu totally has a crush on Lucy!" I shouted to Levy and Juvia.

"Do you think Lu-Chan likes Natsu too?" Levy asked

"I have no idea but lets go find out." I said.

I started walking forward to Natsu and Lucy to see what they were talking about when the guild doors bust open and Erza was out of breath.

I walked over to Erza to ask what was wrong. She said it was horrible and she told me everything i gasped at what i was hearing. Everyone was looking at us to see what was happening. I started walking over to Lucy and Natsu.

"Sorry to inturrup you two lovebirds but i need Lucy it is and emergency." i said Lucy said that they werent love birds and followed me to the masters office.

*Lucy P.O.V*

I was following Mira to the masters office and I could feel all of the eyes on us, we walked up the stairs and arrived at the masters office. Mira knocked on the door and told the master that it was very important and the master let us in and I closed the door behind us.

"Master I heard from Erza that there is dragons terrorizing a city and she thinks that their next stop is here in Magnoilia!" Mira explained in terror to the master.

"So what your saying is that you want me to go defeat these dragons?" i asked very confused

"Lucy what you must know is that some of these dragons are dangerous and very deadly" Mira replied.

"So what am i supposed to do just sit here and wait until the "dragon" come here!" I shouted.

"Ladies calm down!" The master said which got our attention.

"Lucy I want you to go to this town and figure out the situation with the dragons ok" the master said but sounded like he was demanding it.

"Wait hold on a second master th-" she was cut off

"Mira my dessision is final ok now take her to Erza to get more information on this situation." the master said.

Mira nodded and left the room and i followed behind her we went to Erza to get more information about the dragons. We had enough information and i was about to leave when Natsu blocked my way.

"Hey Lucy where ya' going" He asked cheerfully

"On a misson i will be back in about a month im sorry Natsu." i said sadly because i knew how much Natsu would worry.

"What you can't leave you just got here!" He yelled at me

I told him that it wasn't my choice and that i had to go. He suggested that he should come with me but i told him no and he was shocked by my answer. I had reasons for Natsu to stay here instead of going with me and the main one was he was very destructive.

I started heading in the direction that Erza told me to go to find this village. It took me about 2 hours to find the village and when i did i was shocked at what i saw.

{ON HOLD} Dragon princess (Nalu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now