Red Riding Hood {Law & Order: Special Victims Unit}

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The man put down a salmon bag next to his victim. The offender turned away and looked around. He was alone. Nobody saw him beside the dead woman behind him. The man laughed and ran away when he heard the hearing police sirens.

"What do we have?" Olivia asked after entering the crime scene. Fin had called her since it was their third victim by the same perp.

Kat walked over with the victim's identity card. "Laura, Mitchells, 41 years old. Not related to our Noah. She was raped then murdered. Presumably by a hit to the head. Either the suspect threw her against the car with force or he beat her up with a bat or pipe. Perp left no prints, no weapon or DNA behind." She gave the evidence bag with the identity card to the captain.

"Left us a salmon bag. That thing was laughing when we came down", Fin held up the bag before putting it into an evidence bag. "The coroner told us that she died around 20 minutes ago. Officers are searching the area. But my guess... He's either long gone or hiding very good."

"Who called it in?" Olivia handed the identity card to a member of the CSU.

Kat looked through her notes. "Anthony Mansen, works as a car park attendant. Just started his shift when he found the body. He is in his office getting the footage of the surrounding cameras". She pointed out the cameras surrounding them. "If we're lucky we have something this time. He can't avoid it forever."

Back in the office, Noah was getting the board set up while Amanda was getting over the facts. "Our victims were all female, blonde, between 35 and 45 years old. They were all wearing a red coat and red tights. We have three victims in a span of three weeks. One woman, every week."

Noah sighed and put up the picture of their latest victim. "We need to catch that bastard before he's escalating further."

Sonny grunted. "He already escalated too far. What else do we have?" He took a sip from his coffee and glanced around the SVU team.

"Not much. Camera footage only shows a man wearing a black hoodie. Doesn't show his face like he knows where the cameras are. Age probably between 40 and 50 years." Fin lent back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"Maybe he works for the security company. Every car park where we found the victims had their security equipment from the same company", Kat suggested. "It's the best trace at the moment."

Suddenly Noah got an idea. She left the group and walked to her desk. Noah just sat down when her phone rang. "Special Victims, Mitchell. Okay, someone's coming over. The victim's going where? Alright, thank you."

She stood up. "Cap... someone should drive over to Mercy. There's another woman who got attacked by our perp. She's alive, got away from him by fighting back. And someone should check out the scene."

Olivia nodded. "Alright, Tamin and Rollins. Drive to Mercy. Fin and I are going to check out the scene. He attacked twice today. I don't want to have a third one today."

Kat and Amanda got ready and left the precinct. Fin waited at his desk for Olivia. Noah looked at her captain. "If it's fine, I'll stay here. I wanted to follow something up. I remember Jay telling me, that they had something similar like us in Chicago. The killings stopped six weeks ago. No more victims so far. Maybe it's connected. If not, we maybe have a copy cat."

"Yeah, call him. Keep us posted." Olivia walked into her office, got her stuff, and left with Fin not shortly after.

Noah walked back to her desk and sat down. She grabbed her phone and called Jay. The detective hoped that she was wrong with her suspicion. But the knot in her stomach told her otherwise. "Hey Jay, how are you? Great, eh... Listen, you told me about a case that went cold around six weeks ago. In New York are now the same killings. Can you send me your files? Yeah... Great, thank you. I owe you next time I'm in Chicago."

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