Prisoner's Dilemma {Chicago Med}

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A/N: The story is based on the naming episode of Chicago Med. I just put in my own character. I hope you like the slightly different tale. Also, be careful. Continues mention of rape and suicide. I'm sorry if the year doesn't match up with the aired date. And I'm also sorry if they reveal the suspect in the show and it's totally different. I really hope that I found every spelling mistake if not, you can tell me.

*Sam's POV*

"Incoming. Dr. Manning?" Maggie called when a stretcher was wheeled into the E.R. Natalie pointed to me while walking over to the incoming patient.

"Teresa Azen, 25. Persistent vegetative state. Brought in by her long-term care facility after blood was discovered in her urine." Maggie and another nurse helped to wheel down the stretcher to a free space.

Natalie nodded and put some gloves on. "Now, let's get vitals, a temp, CBC, CMP, UA with C&Cs. It could just be a UTI. But let's look at her kidneys with an ultrasound to rule out hydro from a stone." A nurse confirmed. We put Teresa on our bed and started working on her.

"Brain injury?" I asked Maggie.

Maggie searched in Teresa's patient records and nodded. "Car crash."

"Teresa, I'm Dr. Manning. I'm gonna take good care of you, okay? G-tube looks good." Natalie and I started to check her over. "Temp 100.6", a nurse informed us.

I checked Teresa's eyes. "Unresponsive." Natalie nodded and put some gel on each side of Teresa's stomach. "No kidney stones. Let's look at the bladder. How long did you say she was in a vegetative state for?"

Natalie and I looked closely at the ultrasound and I couldn't believe what I saw. "Five years", Maggie answered.

"We need to call the police. This woman is pregnant", Natalie confirmed and cleaned up the patient.

"Alright. Maggie, get the kit. I'm going to call it in", I said and left the room in a hurry.

I was at the desk in the E.R. when Erin entered followed by Jay. I smiled at two detectives. "Where can I find the victim?" Erin asked me.

"Follow me", I said and walked to Teresa's treatment room. Jay stayed behind. "She's in here. Natalie's nearly ready." Erin nodded. She checked in with Natalie before stepping in completely.

After the nurse left I stepped into the room, too.

"So helpless", Natalie said and removed her gloves.

"We're looking into all of the employees at Teresa's facility. We're checking visitor logs, security footage. We'll find out who had access to her and to her floor", Erin explained.

"But the rape kit's only supposed to reveal DNA for the past five days. How is this gonna help?" Maggie asked.

"I hate to say this but the likelihood in a case like this is that the offender's been assaulting her regularly. Maybe even daily." Erin looked at all of us.

I looked down on the ground and sighed. "Excuse me, please." Without waiting for an answer I left the group. That whole story brought up memories I don't want to remember. Could he be behind this again? If so... should I give Erin a pointer?

"Dr. Manning and Detective Lindsay still here?" I jumped out of my memories and shook my head. "Yes. They're still with the patient in treatment 4. Should I get them?"

"No, don't worry. I got it", Goodwin said and walked away. Following her were a man and a woman. Probably Teresa's parents.

Five minutes later the parent's entered Teresa's room. They looked devasted by the news they got and I didn't blame them. Natalie left the ER for a consult she got called for. Erin sighed and started to walk back to her partner. This could be the only chance I got to talk to her without going down to the precinct. I took a deep breath.

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