Now I'm God {Chicago PD}

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A/N: I don't know how long sentencing takes. So bear with me if the count is wrong. I don't have any medical knowledge, so what I write could medically be wrong. I searched it up but I am still not sure if it's correct. Also, be aware: Sad topic ahead!

Noah was sitting on Hank's right side. She was in court and waiting for the jury and the judge to come back out. Today is the day where she got to know if Dr. Dean Reybold remains in custody or not.

"Hey... Everything's going to be alright. Promise", Hank said to her and she nodded. Noah hoped that he got locked up and away from people. A slap on the wrist would be nothing and would more feel like a punch to the stomach for his victims. He has hurt so many familys besides her's and Hank's. The familys and their victims needed closure and the only way to get it was when he went to prison.

"They have a verdict", Erin said as she came into the room Hank and I was. We both stood up.

"Hour of deliberation. That's... that's probably good, right?" Hank asked uncertainly and looked between me and Erin.

"Camille would be proud of you", Erin said with a small smile, and Noah agreed with her. Hank told the court Camille's story. We all knew how hard it was for him.  He barely talked about her.

"You too, kiddo", Hank smiled. "Come on. Let's go." Erin turned around. Hank placed his left hand on Noah's back and let her step in front of him.

They just took their seats next to Erin and Antonio. Behind them were Alvin, Jay, and Adam. The jury and the judge entered the room again. Noah gulped and started wringing her fingers.

The judge took his seat and started. "On the count of Narcotic Induced Homicide of Danielle Frank..."

Noah held her breath. These decisions will show what the outcome will be.

"We find the defendant guilty." The chosen from the jury said.

"On the count of Narcotic Induced Attempted Homicide of Carol Shepperd..."

"We find the defendant guilty."

"On the count of Narcotic Induced Attempted Homicide of Leah Kamen..."

"We find the defendant guilty."

"The defendant is remanded into custody until such time as a sentencing hearing is scheduled." The judge hit the table with the gavel and stood up.

Noah let out a breath and looked to Hank and Erin having the same expression as her. They felt relieved. It was one step further getting him into jail.

The group stood up as Mr. Reybold turned to them. He looked at Hank and Noah and pointed his finger. "Hank, your wife did not suffer needlessly. Your mom didn't, too, Noah. You have to believe me." The man was clearly delusional. Noah tried not to listen to him and Reybold seemed to catch up on that. He turned his full attention to Hank.

"Camille's cancer did come back. I never harmed her. These patients, I was their only hope. They got years because of me. You can't put someone away for saving lives. You can't!" He went on. Noah stepped forward ready to punch this man in the face.

Hank put out his right arm in front of the young woman. "Don't. He's not worth it."

A judicial guard grabbed him and dragged him away. Reybold was still talking. "I wasn't harming them. I was helping them. Helping!"

The intelligence unit looked at the door which closed shortly after the men left. Nobody said a word. When Al spoke up the courtroom was empty. "Who is up for a round in Molly's?"

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