I Do {Criminal Minds}

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Emily Rossi stood in front of the mirror. She imagined her wedding day so often. The dress, her hair, the people. And now that the day's finally here, she's nervous as hell. Garcia's talking doesn't make it any better. To Emily's relief, Prentiss took her and herself out and let her dad enter.

"You look incredible, buttercup." Emily turned around and smiled.

"Thanks, dad." David hugged her.

"I just heard from Aaron. Spencer's nervous. And by the look of it, you too."

"Yeah. At least I know that he's not taking off on me. Garcia asked me several times if I want to make a break for it. And before you ask me, too. No, Spencer's the one."

"You ready? Because I am not ready to give you away." Emily nodded and walked to the mirror a final time. She checked herself over again smiling. Then she walked back to her dad. They both left the room. Minutes later, Emily's bridesmaids walked down the aisle. Then they're followed by David and Emily. Spencer just had eyes for his future wife.

David gave his daughter's hand into Spencer's. "Take good care of her."

Spencer nodded. "I will."

David stepped back and took his seat next to his wife Krystall. They both shared a smile. They knew that Emily was in good hands. The priest started the ceremony which was held in a small circle. Just close family and friends were invited.

Spencer and Emily only had eyes for each other. They nearly didn't hear the priest saying that they wrote their own vows. Aaron passed Spencer's vows to Morgan who gave them to Spencer. He smiled. "Thank you."

The man cleared his throat and looked at his fianceé. "Emily, I still remember the day we met like it was yesterday and not like four years ago. And I just knew that one day, you'll be my wife."

Emily chuckled.


Emily stepped out of the elevator onto the sixth floor. She looked around in search of the BAU department. The woman needed her dad's help with the book she's currently writing. Emily found her way. She started walking when an agent ran into her. Her papers flying around and scattered on the floor.

"Watch where you're going!" The agent called out and took off again. He didn't have the respect to help her. Emily grumbled and picked up the pieces of paper. Luckily, she could stay in her dad's office and sort this mess out. Emily heard approaching footsteps.

"Watch out where you're stepping."

The steps stopped. Emily saw a shadow above her. "Either you'll help me or walk around the mess. I'm happy with any decision you make."

The shadow moved down and held a piece of paper towards Emily. She looked up and saw a young man in front of her. "Thank you. My name's Emily."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Spencer Reid."

They both picked up the last few papers. "Thank you. But now I really have to hurry. Dad's waiting for me."

"Where do you need to go? I can help you find your way." Spencer glanced around.

"BAU. David Rossi to be exact."

The door behind Spencer opened. "There you are, Emily. You got me worried. Everything alright?"

Emily smiled and hugged her dad. "Yes, everything's fine, dad. Spencer here helped me pick up my papers after someone ran into me."

David nodded at Reid. Then he entered the BAU with his daughter, leaving Spencer alone in the hallway.


"Ladies and gentlemen. It's time to present you, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Reid." Emily and Spencer entered the reception with big smiles. They greeted guests while walking past them. They came to a stop on the dance floor and looking around. "And before taking their seats, the married couple will have their first dance."

The DJ started the music. Spencer held his hand out to his wife. "May I?"

Emily laughed. "Sure, you can, hubby."

The couple danced along with the song. "Was it your idea to dance to our song?"

Spencer smiled widely. "Yeah. It was the song that played on our first date. I thought why not start our married life the same way."

The song ended and a few minutes later, Spencer stepped away.

"Spencer, I have to tell you..." But Emily got interrupted by the DJ.

"Before we let the couple take their seats, the father of the bride wants his dance first. Also, the groom's mother is here for her dance.

Spencer smiled and gave Emily's hand to Dave. "You can tell me later, Ems."

Emily nodded and turned to her dad. After Spencer left, she sighed.

"Did I interrupt something?" He had a suspicion but didn't want to call her out.

"No, I just wanted to tell Spencer that he's going to be a dad in six months. Not that important."

Dave looked at his daughter and smiled. "You don't have to be sarcastic." Then he hugged her. "I'm going to be a grandpa."

Emily laughed with tears in her eyes. "Yes. I found out a week ago. Baby and mother are healthy. So, please... Could you at least wait a few minutes before telling your team. And maybe give Spencer a chance to be the one to tell?"

"Sure, buttercup. But now we should dance before they're going to ask questions. Spencer glanced to us a couple of times already."

A/N: Sorry. It's short, I know. But I hope you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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