Bully {Law & Order: Special Victims Unit}

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A/N: You know Noah from my Chicago P.D. story "Now, I'm God". I thought that she could have transferred to New York into Olivia's department. Maybe after 2x07 of Chicago P.D. and 3x10 for a short period before fully transferring to SVU. The full transfer was after 3x10 after Olivia asked her to join SVU as a stand-in for Amanda but later turned permanently. Just a short orientation for you guys. Since there is already a Noah and you know who is talking to whom here, my Noah is addressed with her last name Mitchell.

Enjoy the story and I hope that the storyline makes some kind of sense.

"Great. So while keeping your eyes closed... I'm gonna ask you to stand up if you've ever been hurt by bullying. Keeping your eyes closed, stand up if you've ever been the victim of hazing. If you've ever been hurt by gossip. Stand up if you've ever been a victim of a sexual assault. Stand up if you've ever been a victim of violence. ... Okay, I'd like to ask you to open your eyes. Take a look around. I think if you look around the room, we can all agree that... That we're all in this together. You have the power to change this by being more accepting, more compassionate. You're not alone."

Noah paused the video she watched of Olivia talking to an auditorium full of high school students. She closed the tab and opened up a new one. This time to check her e-mails. Noah was anxiously waiting for a letter from a teenage girl. The last time she wrote back was two days ago and the girl didn't respond at all. Benson told the team that they got a new case and sent Noah's new partner Davis and Carisi to the crime scene.

Upon returning, Carisi stayed back at his desk while Davis went to inform the lieutenant. Noah sighed and closed her mailing program before looking at Carisi. "Is it that bad of a case?" She was curious. Normally, they would talk and discuss the information together.

"I don't know. The girl jumped off a bridge in the park. She survived and is brought to Bellevue Hospital. We found a letter near her. It all looks like a suicide attempt. Your partner thinks that way and tries to convince Benson not to take the case. To let another department take it. But there's the gut feeling that there's more to it than it seems. Or at least more like something for us." Carisi said down on the edge of his desk.

"What do you mean?" Noah asked and walked over to Dominick. If there aren't any signs of abuse this case wasn't for them.

Carisi turned to his desk and grabbed a letter in an evidence bag. "This is the letter we found next to her. She told in there that someone tricked her and now everyone's making fun of her. You still remember the case we had with Mandy Fowler." Noah nodded and took the letter in her hands. There was no signature at the end of it. But everything the girl wrote was typical for a farewell letter.

"Do you really think it's equal to the Fowler case?" Noah asked just to be sure what she heard. Before Carisi could answer, the door to the lieutenant's office opened and an angry Davis stepped out followed by Olivia Benson.

"Listen. We have a case. This is Danielle Wright." Olivia hanged up a photo of the girl on our mobile board. "She's 16 years old. Danielle was found this morning after a failed suicide attempt."

Noah looked at the picture and had a shocked expression. She knew the girl and now it's clear to her why there wasn't a reply to her e-mail. "The parents are at the hospital with their daughter at the moment. Danielle's school is near the park where she was found." Benson looked around the squad room. Carisi's desk phone started ringing and went over to take the call.

"Are we really taking this case?" Davis asked and the lieutenant gave him a warning look. Davis put up his hands.

"I just got off the phone with the school. They don't know much. Just that Danielle's a quiet student with straight A's." Sonny came back to us. "No suspension, no fight. Oh... and they mention her being bullied six months back. But it's solved and take care of."

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