Aizawa angst

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Idk what to put for the title but HERE WE ARE! Next is going to be a texting scenario. Maybe...  I will also be using one of my favorite TikTok artist's OC's. If you don't know who this is, please check out @quillwrighter or silence.forest on  TikTok. They are an amazing artist.

3rd person POV:

All the teachers at U.A. had to go on a mission so school was out. You were a teacher there so you had to go on the mission as well. You have been dating Aizawa and he was planning to propose to you. But things went in a different direction during the mission. Wait- lemme back up. 

September 19th, 8:30 AM U.A. High School

The bell has rung. You were teaching your class as Aizawa was teaching his. Suddenly on the loudspeakers, you hear, "Teachers, please report to Nezu's office immediately. All students have the day off. Return to your dorms!" You paused trying to remember if you guys have a meeting but nothing popped up. "

"Um, all right everyone. Please pack up your things and head to your dorm rooms."

"What's happening?" your student Sakae asked. He has always had this kind of 'aggressive politeness' to him. He once said, "I love you and I would both kill and die for you. This is a threat." to his friends. He was nice though.

"I don't know. Just please pack up and quickly head to the dorms. I will be going now. Stay safe!" You joined Aizawa in Nezu's office.

8:55 AM

" A very big mission has been announced. Highly dangerous as well. We will need all of you. ---" After he told all of you the info, you got your last-minute items and ran out. 

9:30 AM

It was bad. Your quirk had two sides to it. Healing and protecting. It was good for rescue. And that is exactly what you did. You pulled out the previous heroes that were injured. You healed their wounds and led them out of the battlefield. The villain was stronger than any of you had anticipated. All the teachers were getting hurt. Luckily you could use your protection from far away while treating all the majorly injured people. Something was coming at you from the villain.

10:30 AM

"Y/N! Look out!" You turned your head quickly. Something was coming at you from the villain.  You shut your eyes waiting for the impact. But it never came. At least you thought it didn't. You opened them up again to see Aizawa running to you."No no no no."

"What's wrong Aizawa-" you coughed. But it had a different flavor. You looked down to see you got impaled by the villain. Blood. You were coughing blood. It seemed to learn you were the one giving the heroes defense and health. You sunk down lower and stopped using your quirk.

"Hey hey hey no." He tried to keep me conscious. I had a high tolerance to death. I knew I had 2 minutes to live. I sat up holding my stomach and putting a lot of pressure on it.

 I sat up holding my stomach and putting a lot of pressure on it

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