Warm hugs

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Ok I am writing this at school but that's fine. Les go. Shoji x Fem reader

3rd person POV:

It was the night before the big exam. You and some other students had a study session, which happened to be in your room. You were studying with Tokoyami, Koda, Sato, Ojirou, and your crush, Shoji. You were able to hide your emotions very well so no one knew you liked him. Although Mina knew 100% you liked him. The subtle blush on you cheeks once he leaves gave it away. It was only 5 pm but you were all tired. "Hey, I'll go get some snacks from the store. You guys want anything specific?" You asked. You set the books on your lap onto your bed.

"Apples." Dark Shadow suddenly came out and requested apples. "The green ones." He then shrunk back into Tokoyami. "Sorry about him. Just some soda."

"Anything sweet. Maybe sour candy." Sato said

" Just some small snacks. Also a banana." Koda signed. He doesn't like to speak so you had learned sign language for him.

"Granola bar please." Ojirou didn't look up from his notes and just continued to write.

"I'm good. Just a water." Shoji said. You just nodded and grabbed your wallet. It was a spring night which meant it was cold and likely to rain.

"Ok. I'll be back." You walked out of the room and shut the door behind you. Dark Shadow came back out.

"Did she bring an umbrella with her?" Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Dark Shadow.

"Why would she need one?" Shoji asked

"You guys don't know. It's going to be pouring tonight. You checked the weather this morning remember?" He looked at Tokoyami when his face went into shock.

"Thunder storm." He said lightly. Shoji got up from his chair and got the umbrella in the corner of your room. "Where are you going?"

"After Y/N. Why else?" He ran out the door and slammed it on his way out.


I was just on the way to the corner store for the food and drinks. I walked in and greeted the cashier. I grabbed everything I needed and put it into a basket. Once I was finished, I started to pay.

"Is this it for you?" The cashier asked

"Yes it is."

"10.37 please." I took out my card and paid. I picked up my bag and was about to walk out. "You don't have an umbrella?" I looked at him confused.

"Why would I need one?"

"A thunderstorm is on its way. It'll be here soon so be careful out there." I nodded my head in agreement. I walked out of the store to get the scent of rain. It wasn't raining YET but I would start soon. I ran back to U.A. It started to pour a minute later. I wasn't even worried about my health but more of the food and drink. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and didn't notice a person running at me. I ran into them and fell on the ground.

"Ow. Oh I'm sorry sir-" it was Shoji. "Shoji? Why are you here?" He helped me to my feet and covered me with an umbrella. It was mine.

"Why are you so careless?" His hand grazed my arm but soon it wrapped around my whole body. "Your freezing!"

"Heh yeah. At least I got the snacks." I showed him the bag but he just shook his head. I laughed a little. "Sorry. I'll be more careful next time ok?" He hugged me tighter.

"You better be." He walked me all the way back to the dorms and to my room. I walked in and everyone looked up at me.

"Hey guys. Here are the drinks and snacks." I held out the bag but everyone just laughed.

"Really? You are soaking wet from the rain and all you are worried about is the snacks." Ojirou said

"Careless really." Tokoyami said. "Did you get my apples- woah." Dark shadow came out but quickly went back in. Then all the boys looked at me, blushed, and looked away right after. I looked down and realized my WHITE shirt was showing my laced bra. I quickly blushed from embarrassment and covered myself.

"S-SORRY!" I grabbed my sweatshirt and threw it on quickly only to realized my shirt was still soaked underneath. "You can look but can you guys get out? I need to change my shirt." They all nodded and walked out closing the door behind them. I changed out of it and into my pajamas. It was a black spaghetti strap with volleyball shorts. "You can come in now!" They walked in slowly and they all changed too. We continued to study until it was lights out. As I thought everyone left, I started to shiver. "S-shit. I'm f-freezing."

"Dumb." I looked back and Shoji was still in my room. I gathered myself up.

"Oh. I didn't know you were still here. Need something?"

"Come here." He opened his arms. I walked over to him only for him to grab me in pull me Into a hug. I wasn't complaining though. It was warm. I settled into his arms quickly.

"Mm~ your warm." I said

"And your freezing. That's why I'm here." He squeezed me tighter and I could hear his heartbeat. It was fast.

"Are you nervous with me being right here?"

"No." His heartbeat quickened

"You are."

"I'm not."

"Your heartbeat is faster than normal."

"Stop listening to my heartbeat and just warm up. I'm uncomfortable." It was obvious he was trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

"Oh? Then let's get comfy. Cmon." I led him to my bed and I went to turn off the light. I climbed into bed and into his arms as well. He hugged me and it was very warm.

"This is unfair. Why are you so warm?" He just chuckled. I was half asleep so I was speaking without a thought if what would happen. "I really like you you know." His breath hitched



"I like you too but why would you like me?"

"Are you kidding? Your amazing. You are caring, kind, funny, and- well- you! I don't know why you think no one would like you."

"Thanks but I'm just boring-" I covered his mouth.

"No. No you aren't. Yes you room needs some work but YOU are not boring. It makes me mad hearing you put yourself down like that. Please never change from the one I love." And like that, I drifted off to sleep.

Shoji POV:

No one ever said that to me. She was asleep now so she wouldn't hear me. She was plenty warm so I let go of her and got out of the bed. I tucked her in and walked back to my room quietly. I turned the light on just to look at myself. I pulled down my mask.

"Why would she even like me?"

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"Why would she even like me?"

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