Chapter 26: Boredom

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"How are you feeling?" Betty asks, watching me out of the corner of her eye as I struggle to sit up.

"Fine." I snap, frustrated with everybody treating me like a wilting flower just seconds away from dying.

Her head dips to her chest at my response and I immediately begin to backtrack, annoyed with myself for being so rude. She's simply trying to be kind and make conversation. It's not her fault that I'm stuck inside this room all day, and if there's anybody I should be snappy to it is Heloix.

"I'm sorry," I start, rubbing my hand down my face in frustration. "I seem to be a bit cranky today."

In all honesty, I've been cranky for the past couple of days. Heloix is constantly avoiding me, and when he is around he dodges my questions like my voice is poison. The only exciting part of my day is when John comes to visit, but even he is acting weird around me.

"If you bring over the clean laundry, I can help fold." I offer, pointing to the freshly washed clothing sitting in the basket at the end of the bed.

Betty narrows her eyes at my suggestion before shaking her head no. "You know I can't do that. I'm under strict orders to make sure you stay in bed and relax."

"Nobody will know." I try to persway her.

"The King knows everything." Betty scoffs, grabbing the basket and bringing it to the dresser. I slump back into the mattress as she effectively moves the clothing out of my reach.

Sighing lightly, I nod my head in agreement. "That he does."

Heloix does seem to know everything, and I know that there's something he's hiding from me. I'm willing to bet it's about the attack, given that both he and John are so weird talking about it.

I've asked them both what happened multiple times and they tell the same story, but it does nothing to alleviate my suspicions. They both claim that after I passed out John ran to find Heloix, reaching his office and alerting him before the guard was able to remove any of my clothing.

I've wondered if they are lying about how far the Beast got in his attempted rape. It would indeed explain their weird attitude, but I felt no soreness when I awoke and feel no different inside. I've even gone as far as to prod myself when Heloix is distracted at work, tentatively poking my insides to see if I can find any changes.

There are no changes, which leaves only one option. John must have told Heloix of my suspicion towards his treatment of me and the blood sharing. It wouldn't surprise me if the King made John explain his reason for being in my room, which would make sense why John is being so weird.

It doesn't quite explain Heloix's actions, unless my theory is correct and now he knows I'm onto him.

"Where is the King?" Betty asks, pulling open one of my drawers and setting some clothing inside.

"He stepped out for a meeting. He should be back soon." I answer, eager for his return.

Heloix has practically forbidden me from leaving his wing, insisting that this is the safest place for me. It's led to a series of long and tedious days, desperate for socialization with somebody other than Betty. I love being around her, and her presence is calming, but she is still a child at the end of the day and I am eager to have conversations that she isn't ready for.

I tried leaving a couple of times, but each attempt was foiled by Heloix storming down the corridor and ordering that I go back inside. I'm willing to bet it's the guard who stands outside who tattles on me, probably under orders to alert Heloix the second as much as my toe crosses over the threshold of the doorway.

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