Chapter Nine

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“Aaron?” I said slowly while “Maggie and Sasha said they brought him.

  Rick looked at me confused. “How do you know him.”  He asked. I shook my head “I don’t.” “How do you know his name?” he asked and I said  “Dream…” Daryl walked up and said “Holy shit, Carter how did you come up with his name in this dream.” 

 Maggie spoke up “we cleared his weapon” “He had a weapon?” Rick. Maggie handed him the small pistol. 

  Aaron explained how he has a safe area for us to live in.  I stopped paying attention to him thinking how on earth did I know his name. “Carter” Aaron then said but Rick walked up and punched him in the face. “Did he just say my name?” I questioned and everyone nodded…

 What the hell, how does this man know my name? Maggie was helping Aaron.

  “Carter, how the hell does he know your name ?” Carl questioned me and I said, “I don’t know how he knows my name.”  Carl took a deep breath and repeated “Carter, I’m going to ask you again, how does he know your name?” “I don’t know” I firmly said while storming out of the farm and sat in the front.  I sat there and thought for a while. Most if this guy is serious about going to a camp and being safe. Carl walked out and sat next to me. I signed and sincerely said  “I’m sorry I stormed off.” Carl hugged me and said, “Don’t be sorry I understand” I hugged back with a smile and he said “I miss that” “miss what?” I questioned and he said “your smile.” I giggled. And he giggled along with me we then heard “How many people are with you” “one.” We got up and went inside.

  Aaron sight became on me when we walked in. He stared at me like he wanted to ask me something. “How do you know my name?” I questioned him and he smiled and went to speak but Rick interrupted “What do you want with Carter?” ”Nothing, I want you all to come along and be safe.” He kept staring me down. “I sorry for your lost…” he said to me and I turned and said, “What lost?” and he said “Alex dying. Eri…” he tried to finish what he was saying but Rick said, “I would be happy if you don’t freak her out.” Aaron then said something about the vehicles. I took a deep breath and sat down against the wall. Michonne stood up and said she would go searching for the cars. Then her and Rick got in to the discussing of there are cars there isn’t. I think there is I think there is something about this guy that I think is real… I dreamt of him. Is it a sign? A sign from my brother. All these thoughts ran through my mind.  

 Rick started telling certain people to go and said the rest of us go on watch.

 Carl and I walked out together we got our guns ready and started to look out.

 “Carter, do you believe this guy?” Carl randomly asked I said, “I actually do, but we can’t trust until Michonne and everyone else comes back.” Carl nodded “I feel like what ever it is we can snap my dad out of his protecting the group and letting us explore the camp he is talking about.”

 I smiled to Carl observation. “Anywhere seems better then a smelly barn.” He then laughed at my comment about the barn and said “I miss having a sit down to just laughed and be happy, for two years we been fighting for our lives you must be longer.” “I just wish conversations like this can last long, or moments like this… being happy, I miss that a lot… but not as much because when I see that we are surviving and living it makes me happy.” Carl smiled and said, “I’m happy we are still alive too.” 

 I heard a noise in the woods in front of us and got read to kill the walker that comes out. Four walkers walked out ready to eat flesh. Carl and I laughed a little and I walked up to the closest one and put my knife in its skull and I continued to the next. I looked over to see Carl is getting the other two. I grabbed the next walker and stabbed its skull too. I looked up to see a walker about to grab Carl because he just finishes stabbing the one. I ending up panicking and grabbed my crossbow from behind and stretched the bow on it and it the walker in the neck what the hell is wrong with me. I then some how I put my hand out and said “Carl Behind you.” But I looked up the walker turned its head like I was controlling it I moved my hand a little and it followed the movement Carl looked confused I then closed my hand and put it down and the walker head exploded…  it was total silence for a second but then Carl spoke up “What the hell did you just do?” I cleared my throat and said “I think I killed it without touching it.” “Well no duhh how the hell did you do that I want to do that.” Carl was getting excited about the I guess superpower I have.

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