chapter five

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Alex POV

All by myself again, hating the fact I lost everything, I should end it.

Noah my best friend, His dad that’s like a dad to me, the rest of the group I was just with. A walker appeared I took my pocketknife out and grabbed it by its hair and stabbed it in the head. I got down on my knees after the walker went down. God I hate this so much I should end it… 

  Then I just remembered I got up and started walking fast “I must find my sister” I said while walking fast.

Every walker that came out I stabbed, I have a mission I always had this mission. 

“Carter, I’m coming for you.”

I then saw smoke and I ran to see what it was killed a few walkers. 

It was a bus on fire with walker’s dead surrounds it. I must find a group before I find her. I kept walking and I saw this library I thought, maybe some food or something I could research on. I laughed at my thought and I walked in to see nothing but a can on the ground that had burnt paper crumbs I then quickly thought and brought my pistol out to try to fight whatever I found.

I searched the place… empty…

I looked a crossed the street dead walkers that are soaked. I ran over there, I got to the soak dead walkers. 

“I must find these people, I’m tracking them,” I said to my self. I kept walking; I’ll find who ever these people are.

Abraham POV

 We were on the road, but our bus started on fire. We found a library, then a fire truck. We killed a lot of walkers on the way, I miss Carter, and she was like a daughter to me. 

I’m driving a fire truck; we got out to go see what the smell was that we smelled.

Down the road was a place full of walkers over a hundreds, thousands. 

“We have to get through this,” I said and everyone started saying “lets go back” “we aren’t going back!” I shouted and Glenn said, “not going back, we go south.”

“We aren’t going south, around we are going straight through.” I said and they all looked at me with a confused face. “No, we’re not.” I said “Fine” angrily I grabbed Eugene, everyone was trying to get him from me saying “No” and Eugene started crying a bit and shouted “I’m not a scientist.”  We all looked at him confuse. “I seen you do things” Rosita said with her cute voice. I kneel down thing well damn. 

“I don’t know a cure, I wanted to be safe, Carter was another excuse for the cure, but she could still be we just don’t know a scientist that could do it.” Eugene explained.

I rolled my eyes, “I’m still smarter than you” Eugene then said I got up and punched him. I kept punching him, finally hitting this annoying Mullet head. I didn’t like him anyway. I kept punching until he hit the floor and Rosita got in front of me “Stop!” she shouted holding her the handle of her gun. I can’t believe she protecting that coward.

I then walked be side of the Fire truck.  I kneel down; I then heard a voice “Hey!”

Alex POV

I kept walking thinking of my sister, I will find her.  


“Carter you are not going without me!” I shouted and she said, “You don’t control me” I than shouted, “I don’t trust Ronny, and you know that” she slapped me “Like you even care, you want us together at first, you saw everything” I shook my head and said “I’m sorry, I know I don’t deserve the best brother award” she interrupted me “You watched him rape for the first time and didn’t do anything, you then asked him how was I? What type of brothers do that?” I shook my head again “I did but you didn’t hear the rest I told him If you do it again I’ll kill you.” She said “Eight times, you could have killed him” I said, “I didn’t know, I’m sorry” “Don’t talk to me” she said and started running to Ronny and Julia to go on the run.” 

-End of flashback-

“Asshole, I hope you are dead,” I told my self then I looked up to see a fire truck I ran when I saw someone kneeling down “Hey!” I shouted he looked up.

He stood up and I kept running and he pulled his gun out and I said, “No please” I then got closer until we actual see each other. 

“Alex” he said and went to hug me I look to see it was Abraham I put my arms out to hug him. We hugged and the strangers looked over and the Korean man ran to us and said, “Who are you?” “Alex” Abraham said “Carter’s brother” I looked down and said, “My mission is to find her”  “Glenn” the Korean put his hand out, I shook it, “Carter is at this church.” 

I nodded “Thank you, where is this church.” ”Abraham, you tell him” the girl said. “Maggie, by the way” the pretty girl held her hand out. I shook it “Alex.”

“We’re going back” Abraham said “Going where” Rosita said and he said “The church” I smiled and hugged him. “I’m going to see Carter again.” I said

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