Chapter sixteen

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Hey Dumb Ass

Carter's POV
I watched as these people dragged me away.

They dragged me near a familiar RV.

"I'm going to kill him" the blonde guy said.

"Rick" I shouted... I got punched when the blonde guy missed.

Rick managed to kill him.

He killed the others.

"Carter" he hugged me

"What happened?" He asked

"The 'W' people" I mumbled

He nodded "Now we have to worry about that" he pointed out the door.

Walkers... a heard of them.

We started to run, together. We made it to Alexandria Gate. Both of us screaming about opening the gate.

Finally it opened. We were breathing heavy... the heard were too big to handle.

"Carter, Dad" Carl walked up.

Carl hugged me slamming his lips on top mine.

"I'm sorry, kind of got kidnapped" I giggled

He smirked "Did dad help you?"

I nodded.

Rick started to plan about what to do.

We couldn't think of anything. Let's wait...

A few days later.

Ron was being taught to shoot.

"Baby I don't trust him" I muttered towards Carl.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't trust him at all" I repeated.

"Same" he soft spoken.

We watched the other day Spencer being an asshole trying to go to the gaurd tower.

Soon we saw green balloons flying.

"It's Glenn" Maggie came running up.

Rick nodded We all smiled.

Soon our smiles turned into a frown.

The gaurd tower fell.

The walkers piled in. We ran, we were shooting and stabbing the walkers that got close to us.

We managed to get in Ron's house.

Ron went in the garage, Carl Followed him.

I felt uneasy. So I walked in, being pushed on the ground so he can lock the door. "Hey asshole" I growled.

"Carl we are dead, it's your dad's fault" Ron yelled.

Causing them to fight.

"Guys cut it out" I shouted.

Ron punched me, making my nose bleed. Soon he turn to fight Carl. He broke the glass on the garage door. Causing the walkers to come.

"Fucking dick" I mumbled holding my nose.

Ron pointed a gun at me. About to shoot but Carl jumped on him. I heard Rick and Jess trying to open the door.

We tried to fix Ron mistake with the glass. But walkers piled in. Soon Rick managed to opened the door everyone started running. But Ron grabbed the gun.

I rolled my eyes.

We held a couch on the door to close the walkers out.

"Are you guys okay?" Jess asked

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