Chapter two

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"She can't be around other people," Carol repeated...

Carol proceeded to walk outside with Lizzie. Tyreese and I was looking out the window seeing Lizzie crying and Carol crying saying loudly "Look at the flowers sweetie" I was wondering what she was doing exactly Carol pulled her small pistol up and shot...

R.I.P Lizzie and Mika.... I thought and looked over at Ben who just realized everything that just happen was bad... "Ben, you will be okay... we just have to move on." " Move on?" he said getting angry and he said, " One of my friends just died but first she killed her own little sister and almost Judith and I too And you say Move on?" "Ben when we first met I was a wreck I just lost two of my best friends the only reason I was alive was because of them and One was kind of my first love and they died right in front of my eyes even though I was suppose too turn with them and I didn't... I moved on... why are you complaining?" I shouted with tears in my eyes and went to a different room...

*Knock, knock *

" Come in." I said and Tyreese walked in and said "I'm sorry to bother you but did you say you were suppose to turn with them?" "Oh, you caught that?" I said and he said, " You got bit and never turned?" "Please don't tell anyone... specially Carol... I'm guessing its sign that I haven't turned... it been two weeks now almost a month." I shouted and he simply said, "show me..." and I shown him my wrist and he said, " It looks pretty old." " If you don't turn in a month than ill believe you..."

"Thank you." I said and he said, " No problem, I am going help Carol burry Mika and Lizzie." I nodded and after they buried them Tyreese came and got me and told me we were leaving so I got Ben who looked sad...and we went on our way with Judith on his back. After walking forever it felt like a walker appeared and Carol told Tyreese he has to start killing walkers again "Carter?" Ben said and I looked at him "I'm sorry I yelled at you...just I was scared and sad." "Its fine sorry I yelled at you."

Walkers begin to appear so we ran in the woods behind a tree. We heard gunshots I'm guessing the walkers heard too... they started going that way. After the walkers cleared out we started walking again. We saw this guy on a walkie-talkie setting up fireworks " the chick with the sword and the boy with the hat" "I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out," Carol takes her gun out and puts it on his head.

"Let go of the button" she said and he said " you don't have to do this" Carol responded "We're friends with 'the chick with the sword' and 'the kid in the hat.'"

We brought him in the little shack tied his hands up. Carol started getting the fireworks in one bag and put her sniper on her back and Tyreese said he can't and I looked at Ben and said "You stay here you are safe here." I looked at the guy and said, " don't talk to this bastard." he made a face... Carol and I headed to the woods and she cut open a walker and started rubbing some on her Poncho. I had an old blanket I cut a hole in for my head and put walker blood on that

And we got ready and we got to the gates of terminus we saw these guys picking up some people and Carol face I can tell she knew them. She used the sniper and looked around and she saw something and got a firework ready in place and she shot a propane tank and then she lite the firework and it flew and exploded the place walkers flew 100ft high...


Carter just left with Carol, I'm here with Tyreese the baby and some weird strange guy that smelled and popped his annoying gum.

Tyreese and the guy started talking but I blanked out and I saw smoke... "Is that terminus?" he asked "yeah..." Tyreese said and he said, "Shit, you and those chicks could win... I wonder if that one will let me ride her..." "Carter?" Tyreese asked and he said, " The one that talked to you" pointing at me and said "she is playing hard to get I see" and started laughing. "Shut up..." I mumbled and he said " what?" and Tyreese said " she is too young..." and he said " dude, I was playing just making conversation... before that chick comes back and kill me anyway." Walkers begin to get on the shacks walls trying to come in. Tyreese realized it but than the man jumped to the side with Judith is and said, " drop your weapons..." and I stared at Tyreese, like you going to let him do that he had his hands on Judith head... " Go outside" he begin to shout at Tyreese and Tyreese went outside. He stood up and said, "you're next" than everything got quiet and Tyreese comes running in and tackled him down and started punching him saying "I won't".

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