Chapter Ten

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As we were walking in I noticed Carl looking behind us.

“Carl?” I questioned and he turned and smiled He then offered, “Want me to hold your bag?” I smiled back and shook my head I sassed, “I can handle this.”

He laughed as I smiled.  

“Hand over your weapons” the one man said. 

“We don’t know if we are staying” Rick added

“Carter” I heard my uncle say and I looked up. “This is my niece I told you about” he said while pointing at me. “You have to meet Deanna” Aaron told us.

“Who’s Deanna?” Abraham questioned. “The leader of Alexandria” My uncle jumped in to say.

“Rick first” Aaron said. Rick nodded and started to follow to see Deanna. 

“Carter” Carl muttered and I slowly turned to look at him. “Yes?” I questioned he smiled and purposed  “Same room?” I laughed and nodded “Of course.”

Rick came back with Aaron and he pointed out our house. We walked in and he smiled at me and nagged “Feel safe yet?” 

We heard a knock on the door we opened it to see Aaron. “Carter, Deanna is ready to see you.” I nodded and followed him.  We made it to Deanna’s little offices and she greeted me in “Carter may I record this.” I nodded. 

“How do you feel, being here?” she asked. I choked “I don’t know.”  She nodded, “Is Rick’s son Carl, is your boyfriend?” I glared at her when she quickly finished her observation “I saw you guys hugging and flirting.” 

“I believe we are, I mean it started as strangers same age ended up having a moment and kissed, since then we been that close.” I responded she nodded “Do you care about him?” she questioned. “Yes dearly…” I retorted to her question. 

“Do you think he would leave you for another girl?” she implied. “What does this shit have to do with me living here.” I hissed she smiled and insisted to calm down. 

“Stop asking me questions about my love life” I lectured. “I was referring to his love life more” she nagged. I took a deep breath and pled “May I leave now” and she informed, “I have one more question” I snapped “What” 

“How long exactly has it been since you got bit?” she notified me with that question. 

I gulped “months ago” she smiled “I knew it” she continued “You can leave now we’re keep this between us” I nodded.

I walked back to the house and walked slowly in the door everyone was about to explore “Carter are you coming?” Carl asked I shook my head and suggested, “I’ll go next time. ” Rick asked Daryl if he wanted to go he shook his head. Rick looked at me got closer to me “Did something happened in there?” he seemed worried. I signed, “She knows more about me then I thought.” “The bite?” he questioned I nodded.

“We’re talk more later about this” he whispered. He walked away. Daryl was just sitting there; I went to walk in “Carter…” I heard a faint voice I looked at Daryl “Don’t get sucked in to what ever bullshit this place is trying to do” he scold. I nodded “Of course I won’t “ “Make sure Carl doesn’t either.” He responded and I nodded thinking what if he does.

I walked in and looked around I decided it was shower time. I got in the shower and washed my hair first just like I used to. I soaped my body up and rinsed. I got out and looked in the mirror. I looked really cleaned and I realized my hair is full of knots it’s been balled up for ages. I took my long blond hair down and picked up the hairbrush and started brushing. It felt nice to put one through my hair when I finally got the knots out I put the hairbrush down. I looked down at my bare legs and seen some old cuts. It was rough out in the woods. I saw an unopened toothbrush and some toothpaste I opened the toothbrush and slapped toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth. After that I walked to my room and found an outfit I could wear that been hiding out in my bag for a while. A pair of black jeans and a plan black tank top I also put my jacket on. As I slipped those on I put my boots on and walked out to see Daryl still chilling on the front porch. He looked up and said, “You have long hair” I nodded and responded, “I’m kind of happy I brushed it, should I cut it?” he shook his head “ask Carl first” I laughed to his suggestion. 

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