Chapter three

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“Three people from our group is missing, you have to be behind it” Sasha is shouting at Father Gabriel  “You’ll burn for this, what have you done “ Rick said grabbing his shirt. Father Gabriel started crying, “I locked them out… I locked the doors at night I always do.” Gabriel kept speaking I blanked him out looking out the window seeing people doing something… “Guys.” I said being ignored “Guys!” I shouted still being ignored I took my gun out and shot the roof so everyone stared at me  I signed “Guys.” but being interrupted by a whistling noise. 

We all ran outside “Bob!” Sasha screamed ran to a one legged Bob.  “I got him, “ Tyreese said…

We brought him in, he was explaining what happened, Bob grabbed my arm“Carter…” I looked at him, he said “he wanted you the most he was hoping you were alone first…” I looked out the window kind of hoping he caught me instead of Bob. 

“Get a first aid kit” Sasha shouted “ Save it” Bob insisted as he pulled his shirt down and revealed he got bit on the run to get food.

I wanted to cry knowing Bob got bit then I thought if they ate his leg wouldn’t they get infected. “Where is the Elementary school” Rick asked Father Gabriel, he responded  “Ten minutes out the woods” Rick started to say we were going Abraham shouted “we are going to Washington tonight “ Rick and him got in to an argument which I blanked out “ come on Eugene “ “No I don’t want to go” Eugene said while looking at me. Abraham shouted” come on!” than Abraham looked at me and grabbed my arm “ You are coming too Missy” “ dude get off of me “ I said breaking free.  He went to grab me again I pushed him down on the ground as I pulled out my Katana on him  “ I’m not going” he shouted “Yes you are!” He leg locked me and made me fall. He put a knife against my throat “do it…” I said he looked at me, he shook his head, “ no we need you…”  “I’ll rather die than be experimented on” “Get off her “ I hear Carl shout. Abraham got off of me as he grumbled “Fine…  don’t save the world… no one needs you anyway…”  Abraham went to hit me but Glenn yelled stop explained to him that him,Maggie and Tara will go. I walked away as Eugene looked at me, he shouted, “You are the cure and we need you…” I stared at him and just rolled my eyes “Carter…” Ben whispered while tugging on my shirt ”yeah?”  

“Why do they keep saying you are the cure” “Long story…” 

Rick, Abraham, Tara, Maggie and Glenn got ready. Rick asked Tyreese if he wanted to go but instead Sasha avowed she wanted to go. As they walked out Father Gabriel locked the door, we all went to the room in the back. I was sitting against the wall as we heard a door broke open Carl got on his feet to pointed his gun. We heard Gareth voice, I looked down praying Rick and them will come back. Gareth was telling us to just come out, he started saying names and the last name he said was mine but he continued, “Carter, we really want you… I want to keep you” Judith started crying. He chuckled “And the baby.” Carl ran to Judith to calm her down then we heard; two gun shots, blood splatter," Drop your weapons and get on your knees” Gareth told them to listen. Gareth sounded like he wanted Mercy we opened the door a little. Rick proclaimed  “ I made a promise” he took his red handle machete out, started slaughtering him. Tyreese and everyone looked disappointed, I was kind of happy though; they were getting what they deserved.

After that Michonne looked down at one of the dead bodies saw something she picked it up it was her katana, I could tell it matched her sword case. I don’t know what they call them.

We all went in, we were talking to Bob  saying our goodbyes. He asked Rick to stay with Judith and everyone walked out, I first hugged Bob to told him that Maggie was right he is part of the family, I'm happy I got to meet him as well. He hugged me smiling "I'm happy Gareth got me instead of you..."  I whined"dont say that" he chuckled  "I was bit anyway. I'm going to turn. You didn't turn so its a good thing you stayed here..." "wait how did you know?"

"I saw it... Abraham and Tyreese talked about it"

I mumbled "oh" and hugged him again. We all walked out except Rick and Judith stayed so Bob could talked to him...

We all decided it was time to shut down and sleep. Carl was still up… “Carl you should sleep,” I told him. he shivered  “ I can’t help but think, you are leaving tomorrow” he said in sorrow.  I looked at him, I smiled “I’m not going anywhere, and I’m staying here with you guys, Fuck Abraham I’m not going.” Carl smiled pushed my shoulder and taunt me, “Do you mean it?” I nodded  he smiled wide, “I’m glad” I smiled with him “Why are you so happy I’m not leaving” “Cause I want you near me… you kind of keep me a little sane” I smiled while mumbling  “How I’m not normal” “I’m not normal either” Carl said while he grabbed my hand. “We are all Monsters and I understand what happen to you, happened. But Everything happens for a reason” he finished and I stared at him. I signed “How would me getting bit a month ago be a good thing makes everything happen for a reason” “You weren’t meant to die” he finished I smiled punching his arm. He smiled back “I’m happy you never turned, I would of never met you, I would have never meant such a beautiful girl that’s my age” “You think I’m beautiful? I questioned He nodded,  “I feel like we were suppose to meet. Everything is happening for reason” I laughed “You will make a great fortune cookie one day “ I playfully punched his arm again he added “You will make a beautiful wife one day” when he preached  that he got up so did I, he hugged me whispered in my ear “ I hope you can tell I like you…” I smiled to that and whispered back “I knew since you first smiled at me” he looked at me, when he went to lean in I leaned in too.

We kissed for the first time and it felt right…

Next Morning 

Tyreese had already killed Bob before he turned. Maggie and Glenn were on the bus, Abraham gave Rick a map and told him to head to Washington when he can then Abraham looked at me and smirked“I understand… you aren’t going” I nodded. He hugged me, mumbling “I remember you and Julia at the beginning of everything… fighting boys especially that kid… Ronny…. I remember I beat his face in pretty bad for touching you… I don’t blame him for liking you… pretty, strong, unique girl…. But he went too far and then hit my daughter Julia right after what he did to you… I wanted to slaughter him… but you stopped me… I always wondered why. Why did you stop me” I looked up  “Everything happens for a reason….” He smiled and added, “I forgot to say you are brave and intelligent.”

When they rode off the first time I felt like I had some type of impact on someone’s life it was Abraham. We all turned to walk in but Carl stopped me “Did he do what I think he did” “who” I said “Ronny” he replied “Yes he, um use to beat me… he did unspeakable things.  Abraham took care of him after that he never touched me like that again…” I went to walk in but Carl grabbed me again but this time he hugged me. I muttered “What was that for?” He smiled, “I will not let anything touch you, especially like that… again” I smiled in returned “Thank you, I wouldn’t know what to do without my little hero.”

We walked in when it got dark but I decided to stay out side get some air. Michonne sat next to me as she was messing with her katana she asked “How long have you had yours?” I took a second to answer “Abraham gave it to me when we first met” she smiled a little then Father Gabriel came out talking about how he still hears them Michonne signed “You will hear them just not all the time.” We heard a noise in the woods so Michonne and I got prepared to kill what ever would walk out. Father Gabriel went in, we got closer and Daryl jumped out. We smiled a little and than we thought “Where is Carol?” Michonne and I asked at the same time. Daryl looked at back in the woods shouting,  “Come out.”

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