Chapter Eighteen

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Carter's POV

They brought to some place after they blindfolded us.

They put mouth pieces on us so we couldn't talk. We were tied up as well.

Soon Carol started hyperventilating

I thought she was playing nervous bird at first. But something isn't right.

Soon after they took Maggie away to ask questions.

They got in a little argument.

Four people kidnapped up. One girl took Maggie. There two other girls left and a guy.

The guy was punched in the face and he foiled down.

Carol and the leader lady were talking.

"She's just a child let her go please" Carol begged for my life.

"Yeah, but you guys aren't the good guys" she mumbled

Finally she made the deal with Rick and the ladies started to clear up walkers in the back.

Carol untied herself then me. And then Maggie.

Maggie was ready to fight. We got ready and realized that the guy was already dead.

"We'll use him" Maggie pointed out. Tiring him to the pipe closest to the door. We took his gun.

Carol was going through this thing about not killing just leave. But Maggie wanted to kill. We prepared to fight. The older lady that was smoking got bit by their friend. And then we killed her. And we kind of killed the leader lady but a walker got to her.

And then the lady who took Maggie away slit her stomach a little causing Carol to put her a game on and kill her. Soon I put my hand up and killed all the walkers in the way at once.

"Why did you do that, the one day" Maggie pointed out.

"The day walkers invaded Alexandria?" I questioned

"Yeah" she mumbled

"I can only kill up to 6 so far in once.  I was only able to not get them to bite anyone that night" I explained.

"Let's go" I mumbled.

Maggie spoke to people on the walkie talkie.

They fell for our plan. We set that room on fire and left. Running into the gang.

"Are you okay" They all asked us.

"Whose Negan " Rick asked the guy.

"I am" he chuckled

Rick shot him down.

"They all say that" I muttered

They all looked at me.

"Those people said the same thing" I glared at the blood that leaked towards my feet.

"What do you mean?" Daryl asked.

"They all say they are Negan... who is the real one. Who ever he is. We sure as hell didn't kill him" I muttered

"What do you mean we didn't kill him. We killed those people sleeping" Rick shouted.

"There's more.... there's more Saviors." I mumbled getting light head passing out.

I woke up in the RV as I looked over to see we just made it back.

"Rise and shine sleepy head" Rick smirked.

"I gotta talk to you" he added.

I nodded.

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