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Allie sighed as she sat in her room. She sighed as she stroked her bump. Allie had never felt more alone that she did right now.

She knew that she was pregnant and she knew it was all that was keeping her from going. It was all that was stopping her from going off of the rails and drinking and she knew that would kill her.

Allie knew that she felt alone. She couldn't trust anyone. She knew that Peter had left her and she was having his baby. Kush had ended it with her and she felt so alone and scared and she couldn't even trust her best friend anymore. Allie wiped the tears away from her eyes as she stood from her bed. She groaned as she felt a sharp pain

"not now baby. It's not time" Allie said. Allie knew that it was too early to go into labour. She wasn't due yet and she didn't want to have her baby prematurely after all that had happened. Allie walked down into the kitchen and saw Tanya who looked to her and smiled

"I know that you are mad at me still all I want to say is how sorry I am I never meant for this" Tanya said as Allie sighed

"sorry isn't enough mum but I understand why" Allie said as Tanya looked to her and smiled as she walked over and hugged her daughter

"it will be okay nothing has to change" Tanya said as Allie smiled hoping she was right
Allie walked through the square as she saw Charley as she stood with jack. She looked to Them and sighed as she walked off in the opposite direction. She was still struggling to effect the fact he was her father. She didn't like it at all. Allie looked as she saw Phil and sighed

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine I guess I don't want to accept the fact that she had been lying to me and covering for him. I guess I know where her loyalties lie" Allie said as Phil smiled

"she's a good girl she is just mislead" Phil said as Allie smiled. Allie looked to Charley and sighed.

She felt as if there friendship wasn't the same anymore and she hated it. She felt as if since the truth came out over jack and her that her friendship seemed strained and she hated it as she felt as if Charley had blade a choice and she didn't know what to do to what to think about it all.

Allie knew that the whole situation was a mess and she didn't know what to think or do. She felt as if she was loosing everyone around her that she loved and cared for

Allie frowned to herself as she for home. She frowned as she felt a cramp. She placed a hand on her stomach and frowned as she realised what was happening.

She frowned as she realised that her waters had broke. She yelled out in pain. Allie knew that it was early and she knew that she was in labour and she knew that she was terrified and all that she wanted was for everything with her baby to be okay and she was scared.

She was scared that something bad was going to happen

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