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Allie had been drinking a lot and she couldn't explain why, she felt as if ever since that it was revealed that Jack was her dad that she couldn't cope with it. She couldn't cope with the secrets and lies and she hated it.

Allie placed mis in her basket as she settled her down for a nap and sighed as she started to clean up. Tanya had been looking after Mia the previous night, Allie started to clear her as she answered the door and frowned as she saw Charley who looked to her and frowned

"I thought that you stopped drinking" Charley asked as Allie shrugged. Charley looked to her best frowned

"I know that you are going through a lot Allie. I do but you know that you can't drink what about Mia, you want to be a good mum and you know that the drink could kill you, you are better then this and you know it" Charley said as Allie looked to her and smiled
"i know that you are worried over me but you don't need to be I am fine and I can handle myself okay, just leave it" Allie said as Charley frowned. Charley knew that there was something going on with her best friend

Allie sat in the house and sighed as she heard Mia as she was screaming, Allie changed her and looked to her and smiled

"I don't know what you want, I have changed you and fed you and I don't know what else to do" Allie said as she picked Allie up as she continued to cry. Allie looked to her and sighed.

Allie knew how hard that she was coping with Mia at the minute and she hated that she had to do this alone. Her dad was gone and she had to do this without him and she hated it, Allie managed to calm Mia as she gave her her dummy and looked to her and smiled

"I get it, it's hard but Mia is scared too" Allie said as she talked to Mia who looked to her. Allie felt as if she was failing Mia and she hated it. She knew that she didn't want to fail her.

Allie loved her baby and she loved her and she wanted to make it work and be a good mum. Allie knows how hard that things were and she had no idea how much longer that she would be able to cope with it all. Allie looked to Mia and sighed. Allie knew how hard things were

Allie walked into the garage and looked to him and sighed "we need to talk over what happened. I have been going through a hard time and Charley and I have just made up and the last thing I want is for her to hate me. She can't know what happened and we have to forget it" Allie said as Phil looked for her and sighed

"and what, you think it's going to be that easy we have sex Allie and we have to deal with that"

"no we need to forget it Charley is all I have as well as mia and I can't loose her because I was drunk and slept with you" Allie said.

Allie had no idea how someone was listening in and was about to reveal it all

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