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Allie smiled as she walked through the square. She felt as if she hadn't slept since she had given birth and she didn't know what she thought over it but she knew it was a mess and she was worried.

Allie looked down and smiled as she looked down at her baby and sighed, she knew that she was now her priority and how she was going to try her best when it came to her. Allie looked to her baby who she had decided to call Mia and smiled as she saw Charley across the square and stormed over to her with the pushchair and looked to her

"allie" Charley said as Allie looked to her and frowned

"oh so you do remember me. I am your best friend and I thought we were friends and you have been avoiding me. Your meant to be my best friend and you haven't spoke to me or come to see me I had a baby" Allie said as Charley looked to her and sighed

"I know im sorry I was a jerk I just felt bad after the whole jack thing" Charley said

"this isn't going to make it any better. It's a girl and I called her Mia if you wanted to know" Allie said as she walked off knowing things were still tense with her and Charley
Allie sat by the swings as she finished feeding Mia and looked to see Phil who looked to her

"I heard that you and Charley had words. You know that she is your best friend and I know my daughter and you will that she is being stubborn and she will make it up with you" Phil said as Allie looked to him and smiled

"it's not all her fault I can be stubborn too I had a baby and she couldn't see me and i just feel like she is picking side and things with me and Jack and he is my father but we don't seem to be fighting. I don't  even see the problem with me and Jack anymore" Allie said as Phil smiled.

Allie knew that she seem to be getting closer to Phil and it worried her as she knew that she and kissed had broken up and how she was more vulnerable than before and it terrified her.

"You don't need to worry you and Charley will soon make it up, you two always have" Phil said as Allie looked to him and smiled, she hoped that he was right and she knew that the last thing that she wanted to lose her friendship with Charley

Allie sighed to herself as she got home, she looked to Mia who was asleep and sighed as she walked through the house and frowned as she saw a bottle of wine and sighed as she picked it up,

Allie knew that things were a mess and that the last thing that she needed was to drink and fall into old habits as she was terrified but she knew they her life seem to be falling apart, she took a sip of the bottle and sighed as she placed it down and sighed, Allie had no idea just how messy her life was about to become

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