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Allie had no idea what she was going to do about the fact someone was blackmailing her and Phil over the fact that they had slept together.

She knew how everything was going to change when people found out about the fling she had with Phil. She knew how it was all going come out everything was going to kick off.

That morning, she woke in bed and sighed. Mia was fast asleep next to her. She saw a text from Phil on her phone. He wanted to see her. Allie sighed.

The door opened and Max walked in. He looked to her. "Charley is here. She's asked if you want to go into town with her."

"Sure. Send her up."

Max nodded. He turned and left. Charley walked in a few moments later. "Sharon and my dad have Esmè. Jack is working. I need some girl time," she said.

Allie nodded. "Okay. Let me just get Mia ready and we can take her to daycare."

"Sounds like a plan. You know you can talk to me. About anything," Charley told her with a smile.

"I know."

The two girls had taken Mia to daycare. Charley sighed. "I forgot to give Sharon Esmè's dummy. Fancy coming with me?"


Allie knew it would give her chance to talk to Phil. Despite the fact she knew she didn't want to. Allie knew that things were just a complicated mess at the moment and she didn't fancy it.

The two girls walked into the Mitchell house. Phil was there. Charley smiled. "Where's Esmè?" She asked.

"Upstairs with Sharon. Take the dummy up to her," Phil said as Charley walked off upstairs. He turned to Allie. "I think I know who is blackmailing us. I think it's Billy. He's hit hard times and needs the money."

Allie looked to him. She was shocked. "Billy is your family though. Why would he do this?" She asked.

"I don't know. But I will sort it."

Allie sighed. "Do you think maybe we should just come clean? I mean I know it's not easy. And everyone will get over it soon enough."

"No. We keep it quiet. Billy will get what's coming to him."

Allie just nodded. But she wasn't convinced. She knew it wasn't going to just go away. Not until she had told someone.

Allie walked through the square with Charley. Allie smiled as she saw Gray. Gray smiled as he looked to her. "Hey. How are you?" He asked.

Allie shrugged. "I'm okay. I'm just tired. Having a daughter takes it out of you," she told him.

Gray smiled. "Well you have a cute baby. She looks like you. Is her father not around?" Gray asked as he looked to Allie.

"It's complicated. He's not around though."

"Good. Maybe I can take you out one day this week?" Gray said as he turned and walked off.

Charley turned to Allie. She grinned. "Oh my god. He was hitting on you!"

Allie was sitting in her bedroom with Mia. She smiled as she looked to her daughter. She knew how she had a thing for Gray. But she had no idea how her secret was in fact being announced to someone. And how they were going to use it against her.

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