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Allie sat in the hospital and smiled as she looked down at her baby and smiled. She had spent twelve hours in labour as she gave birth to her baby as Tanya sat next to her and smiled

"she's beautiful she looks like you from when you were a baby" Tanya said as Allie looked to her and smiled

"really" Allie asked as Tanya looked to her and nodded

"definitely I mean she's beautiful like you were but don't you think that you should call Peter I mean she's his daughter too and he has a right to know that she is here don't you think" Tanya said as Allie looked to him and smiled

"I don't know I mean it's a mess mum and it's not the fact he's her father it's the fact he left and he didn't tell me, I know we broke up but he owed it to her still" Allie said as Tanya looked to her and smiled

"I know it's a mess but he does have a right to know just think over it. You aren't that person to keep them away" Tanya said as Allie looked to her and smiled.

Allie knew that Peter had a right to knew but she also knew he walked out forgetting his child and she felt like he had lost his rights
Allie sighed as she lay her baby down and smiled as jack walked in "I know I am the last person you want to see but I wanted to see how you are" he said as he walked in as she looked to him and sighed

"I'm tired and torn. My mum says that I should call Peter and I need your opinion you didn't know about me for a while if you knew when I was born would you of liked to know it could of changed things" Allie said as jack walked over to her and smiled as he sat on the bed

"I didn't know until you were two max and I were distant and I didn't want to ruin your family but if I knew I'd of been your dad but it's different to Peter I mean he knows over her and he hasn't there for her at all and it's complicated bit if I were you I'd be the bigger person and tell him" jack said as Allie nodded

"where's Charley? Is she hot here" Allie asked. She was hurt that she had just had a baby and how her best friend wasn't there

"she's not here maybe she'll come in later" jack said as Allie smiled doubting it knowing how tense things were with her and Charley still

Allie sighed as she sat in the hospital and sighed as she looked to her phone and sighed.

She knew that she was torn over contacting Peter as she knew that he had a right to know she had given birth to their daughter and he had a right to know but he had also left her alone and she felt torn over what to do as she knew that it scared her more than anything to do this alone.

But could Allie really contact Peter after all that had happened and with how he had left her and broke her heart?

The other branning (eastenders)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora