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Allie was thankful at how things had been going with Gray. He had taken Mia on as his own and she was thankful. She knew how she wanted to make it last with him.

She had been happy lately. And she wasn't going to risk losing him. Knowing how he had changed her life.

She had been broken by Peter in the past. And she had struggled. Even when she had Mia, she had still struggled. But Gray had come and fixed her.

He had made her see that she was worthy of so much. He had given her an amazing couple of months. But she wanted a lifetime.

She had been trying to forget what had happened with Phil Mitchell too. But it was hard for her to be around Charley after what had happened.

She felt bad for her best friend. Especially as Jack had cheated on her. She knew how she wanted to kill her own father. But she couldn't.

She knew how messed up things had been lately. But she was trying to do what she could to make her life seem okay.

All she knew was that her life had been going great. And she was trying to do all she could to make it work.

Allie and Gray were rolling around in bed together. Heatedly kissing. Allie was on top of him as he ran his hands up her back. "You're beautiful."

"No im not. I'm sweaty as fuck," Allie said as Gray flipped them. She grinned. "Hey. I like being in control."

Gray shook his head. "I'm going to make you feel good," he told her as he kissed her neck.

Allie grinned and looked to him. She pushed him off of her. "There is a baby who needs to be fed. And as her mother, that's my responsibility," she said as she climbed out of bed.

Gray smiled. "You get back in bed. I'll go and feed her," he told her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I love that little girl. So spending time with her makes me smile," Gray said as he left the room.

Allie lay there and smiled. Feeling thankful how things had worked out for her.

Allie went into the square. Gray had offered to mind Mia while she had some time to herself. She looked to see Charley and smiled. "Hey. How you doing?" She asked.

Charley shrugged and smiled. "I'm okay. I went for dinner with Jack. Sharon had Esmè for me. For some reason I've gotten really close with her lately. But yeah, we talked. And I told him we could take it slow," she said.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Allie asked. She smiled and took her hand. "I'm only asking as I want you to be happy."

Charley nodded. "Yeah. I want to give Esmè a perfect family. Something I've never had. I'm doing it for her," she told her.

"As long as you're happy. And he may be my father. But if he hurts you again, I'll kill him," Allie said as she hugged him.

Allie walked back to Gray's flat. He let her in. Allie saw the look on his face. "What's happened?" She asked.

"There's someone here. He says he's Mia's dad," Gray told her.

Allie frowned and walked into the living room. She got the shock of her life when she saw Peter sitting there. "Hey Allie. Did you miss me?"

Allie looked to him in shock. But why was he back?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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