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Allie smiled as she answered the door to the house and saw Charley and smiled

"are you okay" Charley asked as Allie nodded

"she's not sleeping. But I'm fine. It's hard you know but I have to remember that she is worth it" Allie said as Charley smiled

"I know it's hard. I know it's hard for you but you are a good mum and i know that you can do this. You can make it work and it will be okay" Charley said as Allie smiled as she settled Mia down.

Allie knew that she had went off of the rail since she had Mia unable to cope but she knew that she did want to be a good mum

"I know it's hard. I do try but I am going to stop drinking I know I have been stupid especially as I have been told it could kill me but I am not going to let it get to me. I am going to focus on Mia as My world. My mum has decided to stay with my grandma longer. She broke her hip so she needs her. But we can do this can't be munchkin" Allie said to Mia who giggled.

Allie knew how it wasn't going to be easy but she knew that Mia was her world and she wasn't going to risk loosing her

Allie answered the door and frowned as she saw Phil and frowned

"what do you want" she asked as he sighed

"we need to talk. We have a problem" he said as he walked inside as she closed the door and looked to him and sighed "someone knows. They know over us and what happened. I got this note" he said as she looked to it and frowned

"they know your secret. How do you know it's over what happened with us" Allie asked as he sighed

"how many secrets do you think I have" he asked as Allie looked to him and sighed

"I mean you are Phil Mitchell" she said as he sighed

"this is the only one they can know over did you tell anyone" Phil asked as Allie looked to him and rolled her eyes

"how stupid do you think I am having sex with you was a mistake and I am not going to risk Charley finding out am I. Look you need to find out who they are and what they want" Allie said.

Allie knew what a mess that everything was and she felt sick knowing how people could find out over what happened between her and Phil Mitchell

Allie sat in the house as she sat Mia down to sleep and smiled. She looked down to her and smiled.

Allie was worried. She was worried over everything that was going on and she didn't know how she felt over it all. She was worried that someone knew over her Phil and what happened with them.

Allie didn't know what to think or do. She knew it scared her and she had no idea what to do but she knew that with all the drama that was going on how scared she was but was it all going to blow up?

The other branning (eastenders)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora