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Allie was in shock. She couldn't believe that jack was actually her father and how she had been lied to for her whole life. Allie lay on her bed with her hand rested her bump and sighed. She felt as if it was all falling apart and she didn't know what to do.

She was scared and feeling more along than she ever thought that she was. She looked t her phone and saw that Charley was calling her and declined the call. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She just wanted to be alone, her head was a mess and she didn't know what to do.

Allie sighed as she got dressed and walked down stairs, she frowned as she saw Tanya. She didn't even look at her, she couldn't even look at her. All that she felt was anger and hatred

"Allie can we talk about this?" Tanya asked as Allie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"why, what's t okay that you lied to me my whole life, my uncle is my father, you slept with your husbands brother. You know what that makes you, then you lied to me for nineteen years over who I was" Allie said as Tanya sighed

"I'm sorry, I thought I was doing what was best for you. I didn't want to complicate things" Tanya said as Allie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Well it's too late for that" Allie said as Tanya nodded

"you know it doesn't have to change anything, max is your dad he raised you, he loved you" tanya said

"does he know?"

"He only found out when you were hospitalised for drinking, he's gutted but he is still your dad. Why do you think he and jack haven't spoken for months" she said as Allie looked to her and sighed.

Allie knew it was a mess and she didn't know what to do or think about it. Everyone had been lying to her and she just didn't know what to do other it

"I just...I can't deal with this. It's all too much" Allie said

"Allie, I'm sorry" tanya said as Allie looked to her and sighed

"sorry it's going to cut its too much at the minute. I just can't even look at you right now" Allie said as she stood from where she was sitting.

She sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and walked out of the house, she felt as if she couldn't breathe and she didn't know what to do.

She hated how everyone had lied to her and she didn't know if she could trust anyone around her . Even Charley knew about it and didn't tell her. Allie felt so alone right now

Allie walked into the pub. She saw Jack standing there with baby Esmè. "Oh. I'll go."

"No. Wait. Look. I'm sorry no one told you. But Tanya didn't want you to know. She said it would ruin your life and I didn't want that. I wanted you to be happy," Jack said.

Allie rolled her eyes and sighed. She looked up as Charley walked in. "I told him to tell you. I told him that you needed to find out," she said.

"Why didn't you tell me? You're meant to be my best friend," Allie said as she felt the tears slip down her cheeks.

Charley nodded. "I know. But I didn't think it would be right coming from me. It had to be Jack or Tanya that told you."

Allie saw Jack walking towards her. She sighed. "I don't know if I can forgive you. You lied to me for my whole life and that's not something I can forgive."

She walked out the pub after sighing. But could her relationship with Jack ever be the same? Especially now he was her father.

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