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Allie woke up and groaned. She was hungover.

Allie felt like an idiot. She had been drinking again and she shouldn't of. Allie knew that she had a problem with drink and she knew it shouldn't of happened.

Allie sat up and frowned as she realised that she wasn't home.

Allie had remembered how Tanya had taken Mia to see Lauren and abi for a few days and Allie had stupidly decided to get drunk and it wasn't the most part. Allie felt sick to her stomach.

She had slept with someone and she knew it was someone that she shouldn't of. Someone that she didn't think that she would ever go near, her best friends father Phil.

She saw the empty bottles on the side and realised that they had got drunk together. Allie looked as he lay in bed next to her passed out

. Allie stood up and got dressed as she rushed out of the room.

She couldn't believe that she had gone there and done that. She couldn't believe how stupid that she had been.

Allie knew that things were tense with her and Charley right now but she couldn't believe she actually done this. She felt like a idiot for it

Allie sat in the house as she heard a knock at the door, she stood up and answered it and frowned as she saw Charley who looked to Allie and smiled

"I wanted to come and see if we can sort this out, I know I have been staying away and k have been a cow and I am sorry your my best friend and I should of been there. You have a baby and I wasn't there and you were okay with me and your dad and I kept a huge thing from you and I am sorry. Your my best friend and the last thing I want is to loose you or our friendship, I want us to make things up" Charley said as Allie looked to her and smiled

"I want that too. I love you Charley and I never wanted any of this" Allie said as Charley pulled her into a hug and smiled

"it's going to be okay I promise" Charley said as Allie smiled,m

Allie was grateful to make up with Charley but now she felt more guilty then ever.

She felt more guilty over what she had done and how she had drunkenly slept with her father and she knew that once Charley found out how things weren't going to be okay

Allie sighed as she sat in the house as she sat drinking from a bottle of vodka.

Allie was trying to remember the baby thing that she had done. She was trying to forget it and move on but it wasn't easy.

Allie had no idea that as she started to drink again how her life was about to spiral out of control and she had no idea that the secret over her and Phil would come out and how because of it that a face from her past was going to reappear in her life once again and it wasn't going to be easy at all

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