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Allie sighed to herself as she lay on the bed. She watched as her phone rang and sighed. She knocked the call off and sighed "are you going to answer that?" Charley asked as she lay at the other side of the bed and looked to Allie "its peter" Allie said as Charley nodded" i gathered, hes been calling you non stop all night" charley said as she took a bite of the pizza that she had. Allie had stopped with charley, she couldnt handled being around her family. She knew that her mum was still worried over her and was scared that Allie would go back to drinking. "im sorry, sorry about not telling you about jack. I know i should of told you, but your my best friend and hes your uncle" Charley said as Allie sat up and looked to charley

"its okay, i know its all messed up, besides im seeing my sisters ex, its not as if i can say anything. All i care about is that your happy and i can see you are, the way that Jack looks at you, well i just wish peter would look at me that way" Allie said as Charley looked to Allie and frowned "what happened with you two?" charley asked as Allie sighed "i wanted to go out, about us, but he didnt want to. He was worried over what Ian would say and by dad, i dont want to hide anymore, we have been doing it for so long. I have been through a lot over the past few months and i cant do it anymore, i have grew up with secrets, i live around secrets. Is it too much to ask for us not to be one?" Allie asked as Charley looked to her and smiled "not at all" Charley said.


Allie sighed to herself as she walked through the square. She looked to see her parents who stood by the café. They were laughing together. Allie frowned as she knew her parents. She knew they never laughed together. She looked to see just how happy that they seemed to be with each other. She couldnt help but get a bad feeling over it all. Allie walked over to them and Tanya smiled "hey" she said as Allie smiled "you dont look well, are you okay?" Tanya asked Allie who smiled and nodded "i haven't been drinking if that's what you are asking" Allie said as Tanya sighed "i wasnt saying that" " im fine mum, i just stopped with Charley and we didnt get much sleep, im going to get a coffee and head home" Allie said as Tanya nodded.

Allie walked through the square and sighed as she saw peter "allie" he said as she sighed and turned to face him "peter, im not in the mood to fight" she said as he nodded "i know, i just wanted to prove to you that im sorry, i bought you something" he said as he handed her a bracelet. He fastened it over her wrist and she looked at it and smiled "its beautiful" she said "like you" she said as he smiled "like you" peter siad as he kissed her forehead.


Allie sighed as she sat in the bathroom. She ran a hand through her hair as she stood in the bathroom. She stood from the edge of the bath where she was sitting and walked over to the counter and looked down at the pregnancy test that she had set on the side and sighed as she saw that it was positive. She was pregnant and she didnt know what to do. She didnt know if she wanted a baby and knew that she and peter were not in the right place, not to have a baby at least.

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