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Allie sat in her bedroom and sighed. She rested a hand on her stomach and sighed as she ran a hand through her blonde hair. Allie knew that she was pregnant and she hadn't told anyone. Not even peter or charley Allie had been avoiding everyone. She was scared, she was scared as she knew just how much that she wanted a drink. She ran a hand through her hair as there was a knock at the door as charley walked in. Charley looked to her and frowned as she lay on the bed next to her “what's going on with you?” charley asked as Allie looked to her and smiled “nothing, I'm fine” Allie said as charley frowned “no, no you're not” Charley said as Allie rested a hand on her stomach and sighed as she looked up to her best friend.

“im pregnant” Allie said as charley looked to her in shock “I take it that peter doesn’t know?” charley asked as Allie shock her head “we had a fight, I wanted to make it official, I'm sick of hiding and he wasn’t ready, but now here I am. Pregnant, and scared and I'm dying for a drink” Allie said as charley moved up the bed and sat next to her and pulled her into a hug and smiled “it's going to be okay, peter loves you” charley said as Allie smiled to herself.


Allie walked into the beale house and looked to peter. He looked to her and sighed “i don’t want to fight” he said as she nodded “i know, neither do I" “i can't keep doing this, Allie, the fighting” he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes “what? Your giving up on us, after everything, you have been there for me through the drinking and nearly dying and after a few fights, you can't handle it?” Allie asked as he looked to her and sighed “i just need some time” he said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes. She wiped the tears away as she looked to him and shock her head “screw you” she spat as she stormed out of the house.

Allie stood against the wall as she started to cry. Charley stood across the square with Jack and frowned as she saw Allie. Charley walked over and sat next to Allie who sat on the floor sobbing “He doesn’t want me, why doesn't he want me?” she asked as Charley hugged her close as Jack walked over and looked down at his niece with worry. Charley looked to him and could see he was trying to think of what was happening “don't” she wanted him as he nodded “its oaky, I'm pregnant too, and we will get through it together" Charley said as Allie nodded.


Allie walked into the house later that night and frowned as she heard Max and Tanya who were talking about her. She frowned and closed the door quietly as she stood against the wall as she listened in “i don’t max, Allie hasn’t been herself “ Tanya said “she will be fine tan, she’s been through a lot” max said as Tanya sighed “i think that she is drinking again, i heard her being sick earlier “ Tanya said as Allie started to feel angry that her parents actually thought she had gone back there. Allie walked into the living room and looked to them “since you have no problem talking about me, maybe you should get the facts right, Im not drinking I’m pregnant “ Allie spat at them as she stormed off.

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