Dinner Time

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So Jacob is here for dinner and I'm nervous so I'm talking him to death on what to do. I just want everything to go right. My parents don't say it but they are strict on who I date. They are all nice to them in the face but then the person leaves and I get the real story.

"So don't talk about what I do with you and today they don't care what I wear just as long as I'm a virgin which I haven't been since 14 and I'm 15 but they don't know and don't get to personal cuz they-" I was rambling like crazy, just wanting everything to go right. He put his hand up to stop me from talking and just started chuckling.

"Baby baby calm down I know how to win over parents," he straightened out his clothes and dusted off the lint. "But you don't know my parents"

He was about to say something but then we both heard someone yelling. "Dinner's ready"

I instantly got scared and I was sweating a little. I just don't know how this is all going to go. I really want them to like him.

We all sat down and pray and then that's when both me and Jacob's phone started to ring. For me it was Ashley. "Um Ashley not now," I rather talk to her but you know, that would be rude.

"This is important when can you call me back," she sounded very anxious but yet I can't talk to to her tonight since I might get a lecture after this. "In like 2 hours," I whispered maybe but she didn't hear me.

"Hurry I need to tell you this," I hung up the phone. By that time Jacob hung up on his phone and looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well you guys seem Important," my dad stated. I giggled at my dad's comment. Yeah, that's how nervous I was but hey at least I didn't laugh like a mad woman.

"So Jacob I heard your in the group mindless behavior," my mom seems to always be interested into other musical talent. She always feel that she can only relate to famous people.
"Yeah I am and 3 others"

"I bet you get the ladies" My dad thought he whispered but I heard him. I've always wondered do any guy think before they speak or they just don't care. As a kid, Danny does it a lot but he gets a pass since he's a kid.

"Daniel," My mom said in place of me. My dad looked annoyed but he should watch what he says don't want Jacob to get a big head that would not look good. I really like where all this is going with me and Jacob but I know things can get better just hope that all goes well here so that I don't have to sneak around even that would be kind of fun to I would hate to disrespect my mom like that. Giving that she already has a lot on her plate with being a star and all. I don't want to add any pain if I can avoid it all together I will.

"Um Kate can you stop with your leg, it's hitting the table," My mom noticed what I didn't. I was just so tensed about how all this was going to go that I didn't know I was doing involuntary movements. I looked at Jacob and could only feel like I was making a fool of myself by trying to impress my parents so bad. Maybe it was my way of trying to deal with my feelings because I didn't know what else to do. "I gotta to bathroom, excuse me."

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I took deep breaths, I can't take it I gotta calm down. I started to hear footsteps as they came closer to the door I heard some faint knocks and my name. I didn't answer. I was that lost in my mind about all of this. The knocks got louder and snapped me out of it and then I looked at the door. I slightly opened the door.

"Kate you ok? Stop being nervous everything's fine," I opened up the door more once I figured out that it was Jacob. "I'm trying to"

He took my hand and rubbed with his thumb while looking me in the eyes. I don't know what I was searching for in his eyes but we stood there for a minute until I found what I was looking for. I wanted to know if he was truly there for me and wanted to really be around me no matter what happens to me or what comes my way. I saw sincerity in his eyes and it made me feel safe. "Come on back everything's fine."

I was unsure for a second but I decided that it was best to go back to the table and decide what to do from there. When I got back my mom looked at me with sincere eyes to see if I was ok. She looked in my eyes and I made sure to tell her with my eyes that I was ok. "You ok?," she asked anyway. I nodded and sat at the table and then we spent the rest of the night getting to know each other better and finally Jacob found out the secret about my mom and we were finally having a good time, putting me at ease.

"Where Danny?," I asked. My mom was about to answer until her phone rang and then she had to leave so I ended up watching Danny. Jacob had a questionable expression on his face so I lead him to a sleeping Danny upstairs in his room. Danny is seven years old but the boy acts three the way he throws his fits when he doesn't get his way. The way he sleeps you would think he was a toddler on a big journey. One of the reasons I don't mind watching him because it's easy since he sleeps so much.

"I don't know why I thought that he would be smaller than that," he whispered as low as he could. Made his voice very deep and raspy. I just look at him for a minute his voice being so deep I had to process what he had said. I heard someone downstairs so we went back downstairs to see the gang sitting and waiting. Their faces had sincere expressions on them but when we came downstairs those looks all became towards me.

"What?, what did I do wrong this time? And where is Anita?," I was really getting scared.


Is that what Roc wanted to talk to me about? Anita not being present seem to put a damp in Kate's feelings. That is her best friend and for her not to be here can either be good or bad. I'm tired of the fighting so hopefully it's all a good thing.

"I guess we are having a meeting then," Ashley rolled her eyes when I said that. "I don't think that would be a good idea and what's with you and meeting they always end bad."

"I think it's the only way and its how my family handled a lot of things," when things would go bad we would call a meeting to sort things out and to get closer. Me and my mom did not like not having the family together because it could affect the holidays. The holidays was always the best with every family member there. Even though, I can't always make it due to tours and meet and greets. Anita finally came through the door.

"Do you have feelings for Craig or not?," Anita said annoyed. That's what this is all about. She's her best friend and that's how she feels? I looked at Kate, her face was expressionless and she wasn't making any movement. I wonder what was going through her head and how she feels in this moment. If Ray was to accuse me of making any moves on his girl or having feelings for his girl I would be shocked as well but I wouldn't say a word. I would let him think about what he just said.

"Wow," Kate finally said and then she started laughing. Note to self, never have the audacity to question Kate. "After all we've been through, that's what you ask me?"

Anita looked away and was looking a little ashamed that she asked the question and just mumbled that she was sorry for asking. I'm just glad no fighting happened this time. I think this is going to change their friendship and I don't like that fact.

"It's ok," she sighed and then change her expression to a happy one. "So tomorrow's Saturday lets all hang out!"

Well all nodded and started to murmur a little and then we spent the rest of the night making plans for tomorrow. Hopefully this goes well.

A/N: I got a twitter @L0yalG3m with a zero and Facebook LiLiNaeMorrow

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