This can't be the end

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Star: god just shoot the bitch

we all closed our eyes and.............


Kate's point of view

I opened my eyes and saw that not only was I shoot but so was Jalen but by who. I was just worried about the fact that I was shot as the blood flowed out of me I heard sirens. Both police and the ambulance as the sounds went in one ear and out the other I was starting to black out. When I finally looked up to see who my hero was it was Aaron he was shaking. Probably scared of the fact that he might go to jail but if he does I'll get him out.

Prince: " Kate! Stay with me please i cant lose you "

Me: " I'm sorry Jacob that I-I got y-you in to this "

Prince: " Shhh be quiet you've done nothing wrong if anything this is all my fault "

The Man took me to the hospital and on the way i passed out thinking of the events that happened today.

Prince's Point of view

She can't leave me not after all we been through sittting there in the hospital room all I could think about was her. My sweet and loving Kate I know I sound a little too nice but I love her shes my everything. We were all crying if she left life won't be the same its like a flower with no petals I just can't do this. I got up and went outside to get some air it was said that Jalen had died but I don't know if that is true. Jalen used to be so sweet the things we did together was always fun me, her and roc we were like the power trio. When me and Jalen got together roc became the third wheel he probably didn't mind on the outside but on the inside I know he wanted us to be that trio we once was.

I went back inside hoping that we would finally get some news on the love of my life. As the cold air from the inside of the hospital hit my face I couldn't help but think something not right about this moment. When I got inside everyone was gather around the doctor and when one saw me they all turned around to me.

Ashley: " We all wanted to wait until you got back in to hear the news about Kate "

Alex: " Yea we all thought it was best "

Doctor: " Well, we got her stable but you came here a little late the bad fact that she passed out before she got here when we got her stable she slipped into a six month coma and theres a 33% chance that when she wakes up she'll have all her memory "

Roc: " Wait but she was shot in the stomach how does that effect her memory? "

Doctor: " Like I said she passed out from the big amount of blood that she lost so this has effected her memory "

I didn't say anything I was still stuck on the fact my everything was going to be in the hospital bed for six months. I didnt know how to feel about this but this is going to be a long six months for me. I can' t function without my baby shes just my world we recently just smashed the tension we had between each other. do I have to start it again?



Kate's point of view

I woke up from what felt like a long sleep and I didnt have any idea what going on. As I looked around seeing white walls and a chair in the corner and hearing a sound thats like a beep I put it together that I was in the hospital. I found a red button that had in bold letters HELP so I pushed it and the door flew open as I saw the doctor and a boy behind him. The boy stared me down and looked like he was about to cry he had an afro and his skin was bright. He has on a Misfits t-shirt and color washed jeans and a misfits bracelet with green polos.

Loving You is Loving Me But Who Do I Love First ?(editing)Where stories live. Discover now