Will the drama end pt. 2

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She hasn't spoken to me in days and I don't really know why but I feel as though this is something serious. I was talking to my best friend last night and he was talking about a girl he had his first time with after I told him about my girlfriend. I'm not sure what cause him to tell this story to me again but he took a long pause after he was done. We came to realize that we were talking about the same girl. We talked on a few more topics then he asked me for her number just to catch up with her and I thought nothing of it, at first. More time that I spent on it, the more I wanted to know if there was something more that he was not telling me. I feel like this is something that can bring up old feeling for him maybe but I digress on this situation.

Ray told me that when he was with Kate at the clinic nothing seemed to be out of the normal but when she came out it seem like she was forcing herself to be ok with everything. It can also be that something happened inside the clinic that she didn't want to talk about so she decided to fake a smile for them. I just hope that Leah doesn't think that she is that reason she already has enough to handle without thinking she has something else on her plate. The move I was thinking about making was just going up to Kate's house but I feel that in some way that be something that will add more stress to her and that is not something I want to do.

Ever since I got to this town, all I can think about now is Kate and her well being. I have been to plenty places and all I can do is want to be around her. I have seen plenty of girls and the only one I want is her. I know that I am still young and that can possibly change but I don't see that happening right now so I just want to hold on to the good feeling. Maybe I am getting worked for nothing and its all in my head. The situations that we have been recently just makes me uneasy because we seem to all confide in Kate the most. That can become a burden and maybe she is ignoring me and the rest of us for some peace. I can't say that I blame her.

I felt as thought I could be the one she could maybe turn around and confide in too, since I am her boyfriend. Is that thinking too much into my title? I don't really feel like it is. I just want everything to be ok but maybe I'm overthinking this. I going to just chill and watch some tv to take my mind off everything. I was watch a random show when it was interrupted by breaking news. I couldn't believe my eyes, It made me feel like I would stop breathing for a second. She tried to kill herself. What the hell happened at that clinic?


That day is still on my mind and I couldn't go back to sleep even having that famous glass of water to go to sleep. I need to stop believing in movies when they portray things like that. What happened that day brought a memory I forgot because I was so uncomfortable with everything that happened. It left me questioning what kind of person my father was and if he would ever turn around and change his mind on what he really wanted to do with me that day.

Being a kid still I didn't think much about the actions but on how it made me feel, I was only 10. He was watching me because it was summer break and Leah, Ashley and Anita were away for this summer so I was home most of the time. My mom was away in another city for work and didn't really give much detail on it since it was a surprise for her as well. I was in my room writing about my summer so far for school and then my dad came into my room. He looked at me as if he was observing me to see what I was doing. "Sweetie, Would it be ok if Daddy gave you a nice bath?," he said trying to sound sweet and helpful but it was more really random to me.

My reaction was happy at first but I was wondering why he would want to give me a bath if I am old enough to do something like that myself. Judging by his face I didn't think that he would take no for an answer so I regrettably told him yes. I waited as he ran the water and got everything he believed he needed to take me a bath. A little towel, a big towel, body wash, lotion and clothes. I got in the water and waited as he got the little towel and wet it and lathered it up with the body wash. He wash me slowly as if he was trying to make sure he touch every inch of my body, being very thorough. Doing the same thing when he got the soap suds off me and when he dried me off with the big towel. When he put lotion on me he was giving me almost like a massage when rubbing it in and made sure to do extra rubbing around my private area. After that day I didn't want to give vibes off to mom of what happened because he didn't do more than that.

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