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Kate and Jacob stayed together for a year and a half and finally he thought it was best to let her go but promise to keep helping to take care of Danny. Kate was heartbroken by this but took it because she kind of felt it coming but she didn't think so soon, this caused Kate to make a adult decision. She got a record deal but she didn't take it so she could stay with Jacob and her friends but mostly Jacob. This was two weeks before they broke up and Jamie Daniels, the man that offered the record deal, told her the offer will only stand for three weeks. She took the deal and moved to Los Angeles, California told all her friends goodbye and left.

Chres and Breuanna stayed together and if they had any differences they worked it out no matter what it was about. When they both turned 20 Chres proposed to her and of course she said yes and they got married six months later and they are now in a mansion and Bre is three months pregnant and of course Chres is keeping in touch with Kate and they have no more feelings attached other than being best friends.

Ashley finally let go of Chres and started to really love Alex like he loved her, when she let go of Chres she actually started to think about her future and got a job as a model. Then when Ashley and Alex were 19 he proposed and they got married when they both turn 20. Alex got a job that has him staying at home and watching the house while Ashley is gone.

Anita got depressed and never wanted to come out the house since Kate left so she didn't come out. This for some reason made Jaden sad and he went to her house to comfort her and made her get out the house more. This cause them to fall for each other and he asked her to be his girlfriend after a few years when they were 18 and he's now scared to ask for her hand in marriage. Anita really wants to marry jaden but she doesn't want to seem like she's pushing him into it.

Leah changed her ways and was no longer trying to hurt people ever since she saw how Kate treated her after everything. She become a rapper and toured the world and made a lot of fans. She started touring with Jacob latimore and they hung out a lot more and fell for each other. When they got back after a year being 18 and in love, Jacob asked her to be his girlfriend and he just recently asked for her hand in marriage.

Ray was fed up with being cheated on by all the girls he like and started to fall for so he now just goes to bars and gets drunk and fuck any and every girl in sight. He met up with Aaron and he felt the same way about girls so they did it every night and of course his friends didn't approve and so he stop talking to them but was still in mindless behavior.

Jacob tried so hard to move on but it was hard he was starting to think that he would never find anyone to love like he did Kate. Until one day he was siting around and someone knocked on his door and when he answered it he saw a beautiful girl and wondered what was going on? She told him that she was sent by Kate to talk to him saying that Kate wanted to help him find someone. That made him upset so he shut the door in her face and sat down but after that he saw her everywhere and was wondering if she was following him. But he figured out she wasn't, it was just work, he found out she was a singer to when he saw her alone she was sad. He finally gave her a chance her name is Sheilisa and they fell in love. He got with her then he married her and they have one child a girl named jada she's one right now. Sheilisa is pregnant with yet another child two months along.

Prod got tried of being without Kate so he went out to go look for her but when he got to the airport in California she was already there waiting for him. She had a feeling he was coming they got together and recently got married. Prod is ready for kids but Kate is not so they have been talking about it everyday trying to convince each other but it always ended in making love or Kate winning.

As of now everyone is 22 and living life in different places and they're soon all going to be in the same place because Kate never let anyone buy the house she had in New York.

As for Danny he lives with Kate of course and chris is taking care of the house back in New York. Danny has a little bit of both his dad and mom in him meaning he's bipolar. But Kate seems to manage and Danny sees Kate as his mom and prod his dad but he knows they are really not.

Kyle, Khalil, and star all went to jail and Kate's dad got out of jail but Kate doesn't know that and jalen is still alive but she changed her named to Gina summers and is now after both Sheilisa and Kate. Sheilisa for being with the one she wanted and Kate for putting her in jail and she was also after Aaron for shooting her in the first place almost killing her.

The end ^_^ the squeal is called The Uncalled for Change (a mindless squeal)

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