Mindless What?

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Well I got up to my alarm I turned it off man there has to be another way to be woken up. I went to the bathroom did the whole hygiene thing put on my casual tank top jeans and black pumps then went to school. That text really scared me I would tell Anita but she would be so determined to catch this person and I don't want her involved. The person texted me again this morning I'm so in the mood to find out who this is I'm not even that known to be seen like this or threaten. Doing all this thinking I bumped into someone I fell on my butt and man did it hurt I looked up at the boy and studied him. He had nice skin and it was light he had nice chocolate eyes that you could just dive in like an ocean. His Afro my have been out of my type but he made it work he looked sexy with it not many can pull that off.

"I'm soo sorry," I felt like I was staring to hard but I don't care, he was one good looking dude. I know that I'm soon going to have a date with Shawn but I can't help but stare. While thinking some more I felt like I've seen him somewhere but I couldn't remember where. "Hey, I feel like I seen you before. What's your name?," I said while he was helping me up off the floor. Once I was standing up I put my hand on my chin waiting for an answer, he looked at me like he was a little terrified to answer me.

"Oh my name?," He questioned and I nodded. He stood there just looking at me like he couldn't answer, made me feel like I asked the wrong question but I just asked for his name not his birth certificate. "Jacob Perez," He studied me while I was looking at him still I was just not in the mood for new friends but it looks like its happening. It was a crazy situation because we are just two teenagers, looking at each other and standing in the middle of the hallway with our hands on our chins like we are in a deep thought. "Nice. You new?," Small talk, I know but I really had a lot on my mind and I didn't feel like talking but I didn't want to be rude at the same time so I just threw something out there.

"We all are," I looked and I saw three other boys man this could be a long day I got a bad gut feeling but ignored it I hate when I got those it made me feel sick. I almost threw up but I held it back and looking around, they didn't see me do that. Good, I never go to the nurse at school and I don't plan to today. "And who are y'all?," I finally said after my mini episode I had to myself.

"My names Craig Crippin Jr.," He had a blonde Mohawk and nice plump lips and hazy eyes that looks as if he's high made me wonder but I doubt it. He smiled showing all his pearly white I could feel myself smile hard something about him is familiar I feel as if I knew him he looked a little like the boy I dated in the 6th grade. I shook the thought my head it couldn't be him he lives in Philly and looked a little dazed like something was always troubling him.

My names Chresanto August," The boy was fine he had curls I wanted to run my hand through with plumper lips than Craig and nice brown eyes almost like Jacobs and under that shirt I felt like there were abs a waiting to be touched. He looked like the heartbroken type I don't like a guy that look like he can break easily in emotions but in the physical the boy was a Roc.

"My names Rayan Lopez," he had two braids in his hair and a nice smile but he wasn't to die for but he wasn't ugly either I can use him as a best friend he won't be able to fight for me but its ok. He nice skin though dark but not to dark so much that he could pass for light skinned if he wanted to. "Princeton, Ray Ray, Prodigy, and Roc" They looked at me in shock like I just took there breathe away and never gave it back. I'm was confused like what I do this time?

"Why you say that?," He had the same terrified look on his face from when I asked him his name. I heard these names somewhere before and it just seem to fit them, Did they not like them? I hope that was not the case because I thought I did good for the first time with nicknames. "I heard them somewhere and I just thought maybe it would fit you guys great," I finally said stating the truth.

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