Hanging Out Goes Bad

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Well we all decide to go shopping and then eat later. With all that's going on I feel like it will never end but hey I guess that's life. After yesterday, I've heard from Leah that Anita and Kate barley talk and it's most from Kate's side. I don't blame her, I'm your best friend, you should never question my loyalty if I never gave you a reason to question it before. We were all in the hummer limo that the boys got us to ride in. Ty's brother was taking us where we wanted to go though. David and Kate loves to flirt but they are more like brother and sister the way they protect either.

We were all looking at Jacob and how he was looking at Kate. It took her while to realize and when she did she started blushing. "Baby you look so cute today"

"Aw thank you baby you always look cute," they are so cute it makes me want to throw up. I'm happy she finally realized her feelings for him and gave him a chance to make her happy.

"Thanks baby but not as cute as you," I couldn't take it anymore so I told them to shut up. Kate stuck her tongue out at me and call me a hater before sucking faces with prince. I'm not down to watch this so I decided to look at Chres to give him the sign that it was time and he read it perfectly clear. I was enjoying the sweet juicy lips of the guy of my dreams until I heard 'Mmm Craig you are a good kisser.' That kind of made me roll my eyes because I knew what Anita was trying to do and it's not going to work.

"Do y'all come up for air?," when Ray said that Kate and Jacob passed a few words to each other then kept making out. He rolled his eyes, probably wished he did invite Lourdes. While making out with Chres I couldn't help but think that this was still a dream. He was who I was always thought about but I thought I would never get the chance to be with him or that he would want me. I know this is cache but  this is the type of thing that only happens in movies. I feel like it was a long ride and Kate and Jacob were kind of ruining my vibe.

"Ty, are we there yet?, Jacob and Kate are grossing me out," I asked. "Brother's fault he act like he can't hear me"

"Boy I'm 18 I think I know this city better than you because we here"


Funny how Anita try a make me jealous did she forget that I don't get jealous. Especially since Craig is no longer mine. I really like the way things are going for me and Jacob. Although, I think Leah is still trying to get at him. When she thinks I'm looking she makes flirty faces at him. He just looks at me and I pretend not to see but hey just don't make no physical moves and I will not act out. When we got in, I asked to get on Jacobs back and of course he said yes. Then I over hear Anita asking the same thing. Wow.

We went into the first store that we seen with bikinis to try on for swimming later. Me and Ashley looked at each other and smiled. We were going to make the boys drool. We tried on different bikinis just to show them off and see the boys reaction. After about three bikinis, Jacob couldn't take it anymore. He hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear to stop teasing him and I just giggled.

It's crazy how all this happened in a matter of months but hey what happens happens. I like that it did. My days are filled with drama at times but it is still is nice to see all my friends happy with a guy well almost all of them. "Let's go eat guys"


So we went to the food court and Leah was looking at me funny. She has been doing this all day, I feel like Kate seen them but she is not going to anything about it yet until she does something more. I for one want it to stop at the looks but I don't really want to say anything rather actually Kate say something. I went order food for me and Kate and when I came back from paying I noticed a little to late that it was just me and Leah.

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