Chapter 11 - The Boat

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I woke up to the sound of a bell ringing.

I opened my eyes. Sam was packing up our stuff, and Rou was on the lookout. It seemed that I was the last one up.

"Hey guys." I said as I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Good morning Eva!" Sam said in a somewhat cheery tone. "We are already in the Far 'or region, almost to the Fav 'oor district!"

"Yep!" Rou joined in, surprising me that Sam and him were getting along. "Once we land at the docks, we can sneak off the boat and start on our may to the town!"

"Yeah, we can-" Sam said before he stopped suddenly. "Wait. Did you say sneak off the boat?"

Rou paused. "Uh, yeah!" he said, now helping to clean up. "It's easier if we don't get in the way of the crew when they're unloading."

"Okay..." Sam said uncertainly.

We finished packing up all of our stuff and watched as the shore drew closer. The morning sunrise was waning, and it was becoming a nice bright day. It honestly felt kinda hot out, with my fur coat and all. I actually caught myself panting a little. Why wasn't I sweating? Do I not have sweat glands as an Eevee? Maybe this is why dogs pant? One thing I did know was that panting made me feel a lot cooler, all the cool ocean air passing through my lungs. It was actually really refreshing!

Eventually, we got pretty bored, and so we pulled out a couple things from our bags. Sam pulled out the human-Pokémon book, and I pulled out the Elucide pendant. I looked at the stone on the little string. The stone was grey, with a slight blue-green tint to it, and had many dings and scratches embedded on it. It was almost as if it had been tossed around with junk, forgotten in a pond, and roughed up a bit. I licked my paw and tried rubbing the rock. After scraping off some of the dirt and debris, it started to look a bit better. I smiled. This rock had enabled me to speak to Sam, and it was because of that that we had gotten this far! I never wanted to lose it. I swung it over my head and around my neck.

I looked over at Sam, and found that he was trying to read the old book. His forehead was ruffled, his face determined but unsure.

"Need any help?" I asked him.

"Uh, yeah." He replied, looking over at me.

I sat next to Sam and read out the words on the page. This page had a picture of a snowy mountain range on it.

"Fayoor mountain range." I read, putting a finger under the words as I read. "This is Rebecca's favorite place because of the cold air and the peaceful atmosphere. The highest mountain is called Mount Faron. The peak is roughly 20-30 thousand feet above sea level."

Sam and I looked at each other. "We're gonna have to climb that." Sam said.

"Yep." I replied, reality settling in.

"Maybe let's buy some coats or something once we get into town?"

"Probably a good idea."

It was around this moment that we heard a panicked screech. I popped my head up over the crates behind us to see Rou now taking off in flight towards the mainland. "Fly!" Rou yelled.

"Rou!" I yelled out impulsively.

I then regretted my decision.

There was the Pelipper captain from seaport village, curling his wing like a fist at Rou! I thought this was that same boat! The only problem now was that he had seen Rou, and he could see us!

"Augh, and t'at dang feral!" He exclaimed. "Son-of-a-swellow was hitchin' a ride again, and bringin' others too!"

I gulped hard as I saw him hopping towards our hidden spot and so I ducked down. "Sam! Time to go!" I hissed to my partner.

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