Part 21

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A mighty wind gushed in from the west. Nibbles tipped her nose towards the sky. It was a bright new day, and the excitement continued to mount as she stepped out of the caves. Flower and Chocolate were faithfully by her side. Allyoop was before them, waiting patiently for his sister to get up.

"You slept for a while," the brown stallion commented.

Nibbles stretched out one of her back hooves. "I feel great! You have no idea how exhausted I was getting."

Allyoop inspected the three mares carefully. He smiled lightly and turned. They followed him to the table, where everyone was gathering for a hearty breakfast. He slipped in beside his sister as they waited to be served.

"Are you sure you're feeling all right? Your leg still looks painful," Allyoop whispered.

The white mare gave a slight chuckle. "You worry too much, brother. I will be fine. I am more concerned about Jacob. His duel with Jake did a number on him."

Jacob was standing across the table, partially dazed. Spring carefully began to set out the dishes. As she was leaning over, she slipped and a plate of grass clippings were scattered. Jacob flattened his ears and backed away as if he was preparing to fight someone.

Catching onto his reaction, Sparkle cleared her throat. "Are you all right, my son? You have not been yourself for the past few days!"

Jacob shook his head and gave a brave expression. "I am fine. There is a lot on my mind and I am only thinking of how to defeat the Blacks."

Everyone around the table grew still. None of them had been told about Jake's infiltration the day before, but they had known all the same, and all of the horses were aware of the lengths Jacob went to in order to protect them. Only Allyoop and Flower knew that Nibbles had been there to stop the attacks completely.

When breakfast was fully consumed, all of the horses dispersed in different directions. Nibbles headed straight for Jacob with soft steps. She stood at his side for some time, the two of them blankly staring off onto the battlefield.

"We both want to protect you, and I don't know why," Jacob finally said softly.

Nibbles set her ears back and widened her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Jake wanted to stop you from going out onto the battlefield without actually having to kill you, and I want to keep you safe. The only thing I don't understand is why he would want to go to the lengths he did in order to keep you alive!"

Her mind was spinning with the information. She had known all along that Jake was not the heartless leader everyone made him out to be, but she also could not figure out why he would help her. He had gotten rid of the cougar, led her home, and had now given a verbal warning. It did not make sense.

"Perhaps he has a desire to stop the war," Nibbles suggested.

Jacob shook his head. "It's not only that. I can tell that he has a lot of pressure, but I believe some of what makes him act the way he does is because of the trauma."

"What kind of trauma? Does it have to do with Sunflower?"

Jacob blew through his lips. "Maybe, but it could also be Night Singer."

Nibbles recognized the name immediately. She pricked her ears forward. "Who is he?"

"Everyone thinks Jake is dangerous, but his older brother is petrifying. He was a horse killer who left to run his own herd. His Mare is Rosetta, and she is Sunflower's daughter. Together they lead the devastating herd south of here."

Nibbles closed her eyes and sighed with disbelief. "Night Singer was a killer, and Jake does not want to be like him. I think I understand why he is acting this way. He wants to prove his worth without violence!"

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