Part 18

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His heart was opening up, and his lips were moving with explanations that he did not even understand. Jake had no idea why he was talking to her, or why he was even out there alone with her in the first place. It was as if she was unintentionally soothing his soul. She was unexpectedly quiet, listening with the utmost attention. Sympathy was locked in her eyes even though the darkness overwhelmed them.

"I don't know who my mother is, and Sunflower has never given me the satisfaction of measuring up to leaders before me. I wish that I was a Free Runner! Oh how wonderful it would be to be wild and reckless with no one to dictate and judge me!" Jake said.

Nibbles tipped her ears forward with those words. He was unsure of what had captured her attention so fully, but she continued to listen in silence. Her ever steady eyes angered him and calmed him at the same time. It was the most confusing emotion he had ever encountered.

"I have never admitted this to anyone else. I suppose now we know each other's secrets." Jake snorted boldly.

The white mare cocked her head to the side. "You are in need of some rest. Go and collect Buckskin before you foolishly divulge anything else!"

The words held a harsh sting, and yet her gaze remained gentle and sympathetic. He raised his front hooves in a rear and stamped into the ground. A rumble echoed underneath. Nibbles did not even flinch.

No matter what, he could not figure her out. She was a complete mystery, but what else could he do? She was completely right. The secrets should not have left his lips, and yet he had blurted them in a matter of minutes.

Sadly, he wheeled on his haunches and headed back to the caves. He was surprised to bump noses with Blackfoot. The little stallion swivelled his ears and yawned. "I was just about to ask if you wanted a break!"

Jake eyed the horse carefully. He hoped that Blackfoot had not overheard their conversation. He nodded his head and gave one last glance over his shoulder at the white mare.

Both stallions watched as she tossed her mane and rocketed forward. Blackfoot and Jake broke into action and galloped headlong towards the corral. They were too late. Nibbles sailed over the confining branches, that she had whittled down, with great skill and strength and bolted down the battlefield towards the White side. The stallions were in hot pursuit, but they were too far behind.

"Did you see that?" Blackfoot shouted. "I've never seen a horse jump that high!"

Jake nodded in amazement. His words were locked away. There was no way to describe the throbbing in his heart. He was glad that she had bested the Blacks and escaped, but now it was one more mistake on his record. Sunflower would be furious. Even his father would struggle to control his anger. Jake hung his head and turned back towards home. "There is nothing more we can do," he admitted solemnly.

Blackfoot halted abruptly and snorted. "We can bring her back tonight! If we lie in wait until after she has greeted the other horses, we can surprise her and capture her all over again!"

Jake forced a chuckle. "That would never work with the white mare. She has better detection skills than you!"

Blackfoot stomped a mighty black hoof into the soft dirt and sighed. "I know you will be to blame for this," he said. "Allow me to cover you for this one!"

After a moment of thought, Jake shook his head. "Tell it like it happened. Something good may come of this yet!"

Blackfoot hesitated for a moment, but after laying eyes on his brave battle leader, he nodded with understanding.

The stallions stared after Nibbles for a few more minutes. She was only a white speck for a few more strides until she was swallowed by the darkness completely.

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