Part 4

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Sticky dew covered the ground. A crisp morning was brought about as the sun dove through the layer of misty fog.

Nibbles was aware of everything around her in a matter of seconds. She had trained her body to react to anything abnormal, including wandering horses. She had no idea how far she had travelled the day before, but she knew that she was still within Black territory.

Blaze had been strict in his teaching that she could not go into any herd except for that of Sparkle's. Nibbles wondered what was so special about a silvery speckled mare. The ranks were supposed to be counted by colour, but then she thought about her father. He was not all black. Perhaps respect had a bigger role than horses let on.

The road ahead was not going to be easy. Nibbles' mind was already drifting. She had been woken up by something! As her big brown eyes scanned the forested area, Nibbles happened upon a hare, skittering through the woods and trying to dash to safety.

After being alone for such a long time, Nibbles knew that danger was approaching. She lowered her head and then raised it again to try and get a better look, but nothing was there. She sniffed the air cautiously and took a step forward. She could not detect anyone.

A large black horse suddenly stepped into her path with plenty of athletic muscle and obvious battle scars. He glared at her through the forest.

Nibbles's heart froze. She was not sure what the right action was. She could attack and surprise him or bolt in the opposite direction. A smile lit up her eyes as she had another idea entirely.

With bold steps, Nibbles refrained from speaking and began to lower her head with curiosity and respect. She was still showing her confidence, but revealed that she was not in the mood for a battle.

The strange stallion stomped his front right hoof and whirled around as if he did not care. He galloped off through the morning light, disappearing as fast as he had shown up.

Nibbles was quite puzzled by his behaviour, but she was not about to stop and ask. She pivoted on her haunches and began to once again make her way to her own kind.

After wandering for nearly an hour, Nibbles finally came across the border. She knew that she had reached it by a line of branches that had been dragged across. They seemed to have been pulled from the White side, which meant that that they had won the most recent battle.

Nibbles turned her head back to the Black side. She had resided over there, alone, for two years! She had no idea what the future would bring, but she was determined to make the most of it.

There did not seem to be any horses nearby, and for that, Nibbles was partially thankful for. She knew that she would have to face the inevitable but she had no idea what herd life was actually like. She had only observed it from afar.

Carefully, Nibbles moved her four hooves. She kept her ears pricked forward and her eyes wide open as she crossed the land of the Whites. She knew her own colour advantage, but there was no telling what strange horses could do. Wild animals could also be lurking through the trees, waiting for a defenceless creature to devour.

A soft snort came from in the distance. There was a small waterfall pouring down on a large pond that forced its way into a winding creak. The stream moved trough the land, almost directly on the border line. It was a valuable asset indeed, and Nibbles imagined that everyone would be protective of it.

As Nibbles broke through into a clearing, she spotted a white stallion with rust-coloured flecks on his hide, and a little palomino mare. The moment they sensed Nibbles, they wheeled around with anger flashing through their eyes.

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