Part 12

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Jake was completely silent on the way back to the Black side. They had been confronted by a mare. This was the worst possible scenario Jake could come up with. Mares were supposed to be delicate, sweet, confusing and encouraging. He had never known such a high strung trouble maker with such devastating intellect.

Maces Pride was not aware of the horse's identity. If he did know, he did not reveal it. Jake was the only one aware of the fact that a mere mare could match his strength.

The knowledge drove him crazy. The sight of the white horse had given him tremendous strength, and now he found a new feeling deep within him. He actually wanted to get stronger and prove his worth.

All of the stallions were greeted by the other horses at the table. There was plenty of food that had been prepared, and Jake was thankful for it. One face stood out among the many that he wished he did not have to see.

Raven pranced up to him and tossed her flowing black mane. She leaned in close even though Jake visibly tried to put up a barrier. He could not let her know that he had been defeated by a little mare.

"I can tell that you're hiding something!" Raven insisted.

Jake trembled under the weight of this knowledge. He was completely tongue tied.

"Raven, give him a break," Song encouraged softly. "He's had an exhausting day at battle and they did win, and so he probably wants a bit of peace and quiet."

The dark mare swished her tail in annoyance, but did not object. She strutted off like it was no big deal. Jake was thankful for the Clydesdale's interference.

"Have you gotten to talk to Maces yet? Jake asked cautiously.

The large mare nodded. Her eyes were warm and kind as she inspected the stallion before her. "He informed me that you guys went against the white horse. I am proud of him for not backing down, yet protecting the others!"

Jake nodded with relief. "You two make a great couple!"

Rhapsody's Song only grinned lightly and trotted back to the other horses. As she went, Jake felt almost jealous of his friend. Maces had chosen a completely trustworthy mare who would do anything for him.

Jake moved out of view from the other horses. There was no telling what his father would say if he discovered there was a secret. Midnight and Sunflower loved to be in charge.

Jake could not possibly confide in anyone else about the white mare and his feelings. The other stallions might not want to follow Jake into battle any more and his entire reputation would be destroyed. Jake's head was spinning, and he had no idea how to stop it.

The cool breeze was welcome as it swept in from the mountains. Jake wondered what was out there in the wilderness. He would never have enough courage to run away and be a Free Runner, but he might wander for a few days.

There was something in the little path ahead of him that caught his eye. He forgot his situation for a moment and inspected it closely. The results almost stopped his heart. They were cougar tracks, and judging by the prints, the predator was larger than any he had ever seen before.

Jake sighed heavily. He could not leave his herd now. They all needed protection. One horse alone could not go up against a cougar, let alone a large one. Even he knew that.

With a heavy sigh, Jake wheeled on his haunches and headed back towards his herd. There was nothing he could do about this white mare except train hard and hope to stand against her skill the next time they met. Right now his first priority was keeping his herd safe.

As Jake neared the Black valley, he noticed that his father was out and about, talking to the other horses. His ears were trained in Buckskin's direction.

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