Part 25

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The White herd was led by a massive pure white stallion. He was obviously Nikeo. Nibbles stood with the rest of the horses, greeting them as they entered. She glanced over at Allyoop. The brown stallion appeared overly nervous.

Nibbles fixed her eyes on the new horses. There were twelve of them in total, but there was one horse who captured her attention the most. It was obvious that she was a mare. Her glossy white tail swished as her shimmering hide rippled over her delicate muscles.

"That is Glory," Allyoop said. "Whenever her father comes, which is at least once a year, she follows, and she never ceases to fall at Jacob's hooves."

The white mare gulped. She had to maintain her resolve, but the information lifted her blood pressure for some strange reason.

A mighty grey Shire instantly approached Nibbles from the rest of the herd. Jacob squeezed in between her and Allyoop.

"It is an immense pleasure to be fighting for someone as beautiful as you!" the Shire said.

Nibbles smirked as she looked over at Jacob and nodded her head at him. He stepped out and raised his head. "Actually, Toro, she will be fighting with us."

The large stallion inspected him closely. "Are you being serious?"

Nibbles flew around the huge horse and gave a gentle push. Once she had his attention, she faked a kick to his knees before dealing a heavy blow to his back legs, nearly toppling the mighty horse.

Toro quickly regained his composure and cleared his throat. "Alright then, I'm glad you're on our side."

Nibbles smiled innocently. She looked back at Glory, whose jaw had tightened.

"Jacob, it's been too long," Glory said. She approached with grace and slid in front of Nibbles.

Jacob reached out and pulled her close. "How was your trip to the coast?"

Glory smiled brightly. "It was positively stimulating. Next time you should join me!"

Nibbles shoved her way back into the circle. "I'm Nibbles. It's nice to meet you."

Glory nodded. Her eyes lit up with playfulness. "I should like to spar with you as well!"

The white mare tipped her head in confusion. "Sorry, what?"

Glory giggled. She sped at Nibbles with a flash of a kick. Nibbles ducked under it and narrowed her eyes. It did not take long for her to realise that the sparkling white mare also knew how to carry herself.

The test was over before it truly began, but Nibbles would certainly have to watch these newcomers carefully.

Glory flipped her long wavy mane. "Jacob, is it true that you will be going against Night Singer?"

The white stallion nodded solemnly. "We have a real fight ahead of us, and so you had better stay out of trouble." His voice softened as a smirk crossed his muzzle. "Having one high strung mare is enough."

Nibbles put her ears back. She picked up on the fact that they were close immediately. Jacob did not joke around often, and he certainly never smiled like that around anyone else.

Flower rubbed against Nibbles' side. "Come help us make the food!"

The white mare bowed her head to Glory and excused herself from the circle. She followed Flower to the rock table, where all of the other mares had gathered. Many of them were giggling and enjoying their time. Nibbles fell into their midst and quietly began to work beside them.

Her mind wandered back to Jake. She wondered what he had been up to for the last three days. He had certainly shocked her when they conversed. He had told her that he could not figure her out. Nibbles smiled. Her encounter with him had been exciting. Jake had put up such a good front. She never would have guessed that he hated the war and wanted to be a Free Runner. She wondered if the war could actually be stopped. It would certainly not be easy.

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