Part 26

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Jake stood in the pooling water with Nibbles by his side. It was obvious that she was shaken up. He wondered what was going through her head. She had heard who his mother was. Jake contemplated bringing it up, but Nibbles was still shaking beside him. He leaned in closer. Now they had rescued each other in the same hour against the same horse.

"What if he figures out that it was you who knocked him out?" Nibbles asked.

Jake flattened his ears. "I really don't care any more. Tomorrow, when our battle starts, I intend to make my stand against the ways of our world. Even Night Singer can't stop me. I finally see that this needless fighting is causing more problems, and I can't in good conscience keep battling.

Nibbles snuggled closer to him. "A joint herd would be ideal for my brother. I'm in!"

"What will you do if we survive this and end it all?" Jake swallowed hard. He could hardly contain the heat rising within him. "Do you have a Stallion somewhere?"

Nibbles twisted so that she could peek up at Jake. A soft laugh rumbled through her. She pulled away even though Jake tried to keep her close. Nibbles was staring up at him with concern flashing in her eyes. Her body tensed. Jake followed her gaze to the field where they had left Night Singer. The large stallion could be getting up.

"I'll meet you tomorrow then," Nibbles said gently. She dipped her head and flung around. She propelled her body forward with intense speed.

Jake stared after her with his jaw partially dropped. Her skills were too much. He tossed his mane and snorted lightly. He needed to get back as well before Night Singer woke up. He galloped through the trees back to his own place. The new Blacks were gathered around the table with the rest of his herd. Blaze was laughing loudly, being light hearted and wrestling with a few of the foals. He was too different from the other leaders. Jake wondered if he could confide in the battle-wounded dark bay.

Maces and Song were giggling together at the entrance to the cave. They had not had time to relax and spend some time together since their union. The moment they spotted Jake, they took off towards him with Raven not too far behind.

"Jake, are you all right? Where's your brother?" Maces asked.

"D-did he hurt you?" Raven stuttered.

The black stallion shook his head softly. "I'm fine, really, but there is something I need you all to know. Gather the stallions. We will meet in the field before my brother's return."

Maces Pride lifted his head in question, but did not falter to follow his orders. He moved to the table and bid all of the herd stallions to gather in the fields. Jake headed out to meet them. Both mares stared after him, though neither of them was willing to question his authority.

Jake stood before those he had fought alongside his entire life. There were no other horses that he cared about as much as them, and it pained him to go against them in the following day, but he had to stick to the plan that was forming in his mind. He had to try to set the stories straight in their history based on nothing more than the colour of their coats.

"What's this all about?" Buckskin asked. His large shoulder quivered to rid a fly.

Jake breathed in and let it out slowly. "I want you all to know that I am willing to die for you to keep you safe. It is no one's fault but my own for what I am to do tomorrow. I cannot get into details, but I wanted you to know that I am proud of you, and I wish everyone happiness and peace!"

Maces lowered his voice and slipped closer to the battle leader. "You aren't going to run away, are you?"

Jake smiled. "I am not going to let Night Singer have his way, that's all. Make your own decisions in life. Don't let others dictate what you know to be right and just."

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