Part 11

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Nibbles had a feeling that the Blacks were going to make an attack after she had left them. She could see it in Jake's eyes that night that he was disappointed to let her escape.

That morning she had snuck out and stood on her hidden cliff, staring out over the border before dawn had crept over the land.

The second she noticed movement, she raced down and informed her brother. Allyoop had woken Sham up and before she knew it, the White stallions were assembled and heading out.

A normal mare would have bid them good luck and turned away, but Nibbles was fully prepared to fight that morning.

The three stallions who had gone up against Jake were still injured. Jacob had been acting more reckless than usual, and Allyoop was sure to get in trouble. Nibbles thought long and hard about her decision only to come to the conclusion that she had no choice but to go.

As she followed the other Whites, Nibbles had the distinct feeling of being watched, but she could not be sure. She continually looked over her shoulder, but there were no eyes on her.

Nibbles had been exceedingly puzzled for only a moment before she realized what was going on in the battlefield. She watched as Jacob was hurled to the ground. Jake stood above him as the other Whites surrounded him. She froze in place. It was hardly a fight at all. Jake had them all down and had soon turned his attention to Allyoop.

Nibbles could hear her heart throbbing in her ears. Everything seemed to fade away as she realized that her precious brother was in danger. She tore forward at a full gallop.

The mare's head lifted as she slammed directly into Jake's chest. She was startled by how sturdy it was. Both horses stepped back upon impact.

The moment Jake's eyes fell on her, Nibbles knew that she was in trouble. When Allyoop made an order beside her, she shrunk with fear and grew in power at the same time. She had to protect him, and yet she was not entirely willing to give up her identity.

"You heard him," the white horse spoke. "Get your Black horses out of here!"

"Are you a mare?" Jake asked with a quivering voice.

Nibbles nodded her head. "I am one mare you do not want to mess with!"

Jake stood completely dumbfounded before Nibbles slammed a heavy hoof into the ground, startling the stallion. They gazed at one another for a good, long while before Jake finally made a decision.

Maces faltered into the dust storm. The moment Nibbles laid eyes on him, she knew that she might have to fight. She sucked in a deep breath with fear locked in her eyes.

"Keep going," Jake ordered.

Maces Pride gave a nod of his head and slammed forward with great speed. He was headed directly for Nibbles!

The mare slipped to the side and bumped Allyoop out of the circle to keep him from Jake. She could not properly fight if she had to watch his back as well as her own. She could keep the two most powerful Black horses in front of her. They would not be able to harm anyone else with her as an opponent.

Maces reared up and attempted another charge. He was almost useless in this type of battle where agility always won out. Nibbles flipped her mane and glared over at Jake, who was watching her with careful consideration.

Nibbles knew exactly what her enemy was up to. He was calculating her strengths. She had to use the utmost caution in that instance.

Despite Jake having discovered her identity, he had not yet revealed it to anyone. Nibbles found this exceedingly puzzling.

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