Part 27

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She spotted Night Singer rampaging towards the leaders and knew that she had to stop him. Nibbles slid in beside Jacob, feeling the heat from his hide on her own. Together they defended the leaders against the beast of a Black horse.

Allyoop was doing extraordinarily well against a new black Arabian to her left. Nibbles kept an eye on him from where she was. She glanced around for Jake. When he was not there, she wondered if he had changed his mind and run, but then she quickly pushed the thought from her mind. Jake had spoken with such conviction the day before.

The black horse in her thoughts flew through the dust. He exchanged a glance with Nibbles as she fought against Night Singer.

The huge black horse was as merciless as Jake had said. Nibbles ducked under a surprise kick and backed out of the way as Night Singer's hind legs slashed at her. Jacob swung around for a kick. Night Singer blocked him. A cold smile shone in his eyes.

Jacob and Nibbles continued to fight, and it was not long before Nibbles realized they were fighting for their lives. Night Singer was more than skilled. He was a monster. Every attack he administered held strength and spite.

Night Singer kicked and spun. Nibbles focused everything she had on him. She could not afford to look away, but she noticed that Jake had not appeared beside them. She hoped he was all right.

Suddenly Jacob took a hoof to his head. He staggered back. Night Singer went in for the kill, but Nibbles blocked his way. She glanced back at Jacob, hoping he was all right. The white stallion faltered in his steps. Drops of blood stained the grass. In minutes, he was unconscious on the battlefield.

Nibbles' heart began to thrash in her chest. Her eyes widened. She had to get him help!

Allyoop downed his opponent and snatched the leader with Sham by his side. They glanced back at Nibbles with deep concern.

"I'm all right, just get him help!" Nibbles shouted.

Her brother exchanged an understanding nod with Sham. They lifted Jacob onto Sham and took him away, but Allyoop did not follow. He turned back and went to help Nibbles.

Chaos reigned over the battlefield. Dust blocked the views of the other horses. Nibbles lost sight of Jake. The only thing she knew was that she had to protect her herd from the dangerous stallion fighting her.

Allyoop fell into stride with her and began defending attacks. Nibbles aimed her ears in his direction. Fear swelled within her. One wrong step could get him hurt.

"I'm fine! You should help the others!" Nibbles insisted.

Allyoop shook his head and ducked under one of Night Singer's attacks. "I told you that I want to be strong enough to protect you!"

Her heart melted at those words. As a Free Runner, she was always alone, and no one was there to back her up. Now she had a herd to protect, and horses that would fight for her as well.

"We aren't getting anywhere," Nibbles said. She stared Night Singer in the eye. "Why don't you take your herd and get out of here?"

Night Singer flashed a grin. "You are the first horse to ever lay a hit on me, and I'm not going to stop until you're dead!"

Nibbles' blood froze. She glanced over at her brother, who tightened his lips and began attacking with more precision.

"Why are you so upset?" Night Singer asked as he lashed out at Allyoop.

The brown stallion dodged and glared. "I'll never let you touch my sister!"

Night Singer wheeled around. He faked a buck and moved away from the horses. Allyoop went to chase after him, but Nibbles held him back.

"He wants to separate us," Nibbles said. She thought about how they could defeat the large black horse. "Stay behind me!"

Allyoop gave a nod. The two horses weaved their way through the battlefield. Whites and Blacks were fighting harder than ever, but Nibbles was startled by the fact that she could not find Jake.

"Are you still planning on stopping me?" Night Singer asked as he towered over Rocky, who had fallen under a kick.

Nibbles streaked forward without answering. Allyoop remained at her heals. She went in for an attack and then threw her weight to the side. Night Singer's eyes followed her and Allyoop lifted both front hooves in his blind spot and landed them directly in his chest.

Night Singer wobbled back a step and lowered his head, attempting to breathe. Nibbles and Allyoop did not let up. They swung in behind one another and dealt another heavy blow.

The large black horse closed his eyes and spun quickly, throwing both hind hooves towards Allyoop. The brown horse had no chance of dodging it. The hit went into Nibbles' shoulder as she stepped in front. She could not remember feeling such sweltering pain before. She tried to put weight on it, but she nearly collapsed. A gasp left her.

Allyoop leapt in front of her and defended another attack. The two stallions went against each other with ferocity. Nibbles stood idly by, trying to rid the searing pain from her right side.

Jake swept in and slipped soundlessly beside Nibbles. "Come on, I have to get you out of here before my brother has a chance to do more harm."

Nibbles glowered at him. "Where have you been? I thought you might have been taken out!"

Jake shot her a warning glance. "Lean on me!"

Nibbles planted her hooves firmly. "I'm not leaving my brother. The pain will pass in a minute."

The black stallion's warm hide brushed over Nibbles' injury and she nearly collapsed from the pain. He gave her a knowing stare.

"If you are in danger, Allyoop will put himself at risk all the more! By standing here, injured, you are going to kill him."

Nibbles inspected the horse beside her. She wondered why his voice calmed her and gave her such hope. She stared into his eyes. He was genuinely concerned about her.

"Help my brother when you get back!" Nibbles pleaded.

Jake gently pulled her forward. "I will do everything in my power to stop this war!"

Nodding, Nibbles leaned all of her weight on Jake. He began to lead her out of the dust. As they neared the edge, they both froze in place. Night Singer stood before them.

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