Part 5

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Nibbles was speechless as she stared across at her brother. There were other horses gathered to witness the reunion, but Nibbles whisked them away in her mind and acted as if the situation was hers and hers alone.

She stretched out her neck and slung it over her brother's. They both closed their eyes in delight as the sun shimmered around them.

Everything fell completely silent. Not even the birds seemed the chirp in that moment. Nibbles was ecstatic. There was nothing more she could do than wish the moment would never end.

A horn blasted from the battle field which Nibbles had wandered through earlier. Her senses were snapped back into reality as she gazed into Allyoop's eyes, searching for an explanation.

"The Blacks are making an attack. I have to go defend this mountain!" Allyoop whispered. He leaned in closer. "It thrills me that you are here. Wait for my return! You look exactly like our mother!"

Nibbles was sure that if her skin was free from white hide everyone would have seen her blush heavily. She could not help but prick her ears forward in contentment and blow through her nose to show her happiness.

Flower came up beside the white mare with wide eyes. She did not utter a word. She only nodded towards a regular cave across the way where the mares would remain safe until the battle was over.

Normally, Nibbles would be in a solitary place high on a ridge where she could witness all of the action and still race away at a moment's notice. She desired to heed her father's warning and keep a low profile for a while, but another emotion clicked into her mind. Freedom was what she was after, and so she broke free from Flower and tore up the mountainside.

Other mares nickered a warning. Flower went galloping after her, but no one was prepared to see Sparkle, standing tall in the sunlight as the stallions went off to war and the mares sought the safety of the caves. The large leader neighed into the hills. The calls easily reached Nibbles' ears.

"Be careful up there, young one! A horse never knows when a friend might be required!"

Nibbles halted for a second. She was not sure if the old mare had been speaking to her or not, but she really did not care. She had to keep an eye on her brother. As a sign of respect, Nibbles nodded back at the leader. She had no intentions of causing trouble, but as an observer, she would be able to see what kind of progress her brother had made in the last two years.

Flower struggled to keep up with the agile mare as they bolted up the mountainside. They were both breathing hard before they got anywhere.

It did not take long until Nibbles daringly stepped out onto a cliff. The wind whipped her mane and forelock around her face and tickled her neck. Her brown eyes surveyed the landscape below.

Flower raised her head in amazement. "Wow, I have lived up here for years and I've never seen this! Look, we can see the stallions gathering from both sides!"

Nibbles gazed out over the edge of the overhang. She carefully tested the edge with her hooves to make sure it was sturdy. Her eyes were wide, soaking in the action below.

The white horses were being led by a large white stallion with a tinge of orange on his nose and his knees. From the distance, he was the purest looking stallion on the white side.

"Jacob looks amazing from up here," Flower gushed.

Nibbles turned to the palomino mare in surprise. "Who are all of those horses?"

Flower began to explain how Jacob was Sparkle's son and was the high leader of the troops. Sham was out there, carefully leading by example as the other stallions rallied behind them.

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