Part 8

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Nibbles kept her head up as they followed the line of trees. She was eager to catch some sign of her brother's raiding party. She wondered what kind of fight there would be. Perhaps the Blacks would be defeated at last.

As the two mares approached, they were both startled to come upon both groups of stallions. They were standing in front of one another and talking with anger. Nibbles tilted her head. It was almost as if the Blacks had been expecting them.

"You guys are pathetic. Trying to attack us at night is pointless. You're too loud and we can pick out the sheen of your coats!" Buckskin snorted from the Black side.

Jacob was obviously baffled. "How did they discover our plan? We've done this kind of thing before without being discovered."

Flower turned to the white mare. "What's going on? They aren't fighting!"

Nibbles dipped her head solemnly. "The Blacks somehow knew of the plan. Jacob had better retreat while he can before an all out battle ensues."

Jacob lowered his head and stamped a hoof. He was going to charge. As the stallion went to move, Allyoop suddenly slipped in front of him and frowned deeply.

"Get out of my way! We will finish what we came here for!" Jacob demanded.

Allyoop shook his head. "We shouldn't fight now. Let us go home safely!"

Jacob shook his head defiantly, but Sham nodded in agreement and turned to walk away. The White group took their leave and headed back home.

Nibbles carefully inspected both groups. She did not want to have to fight either. As the two left the parties, Nibbles could feel eyes boring down on her. She glanced back over her shoulder. Jake was watching.


Jake's eyes were fixed on the forest beside them. He had been an excellent leader for the Blacks on the battlefield, but the other day had changed his entire world. Someone had knocked him straight down with one blow. None of the stallions had ever hit him with such force.

The others did not seem to pick up on that day, nor this moment. It had been a simple movement in the brush. A golden coat was revealed, and then he saw them. He found the white horse who had the potential to take him down.

The Whites were smarter than they let on. Jacob was a complete fool most of the time, but Sham was brilliant. If Jake had not discovered their plan of attack, the Blacks may have been in trouble. The white horse moving on the flank could have destroyed them.

Jake flattened his ears against his neck. He turned to face the stallions around them. They were his main concern. He had not lost a horse in a battle in all his time as a leader. He was naturally in charge as a fighter because his father was the head stallion of the herd. The position came with responsibility and sacrifice.

"Jake, what was all that noise?" A deep bay mare asked. Her jet-black mane and tail fluttered in the night air an her warm brown eyes were attentive. She had four black hooves and not one white mark on her body. She was the blackest mare in the herd.

"Sorry to wake you, Raven. Go back to sleep," Jake said smoothly.

The mare pinned her ears back and snorted a disapproval. "You never apologize to me unless you are concerned about something!"

The other stallions turned their attention to their leader. Jake sighed heavily. That mare always managed to ruin his plans. He shook his thick neck and blinked as if there was nothing to worry about.

Maces was obviously not convinced. The large Clydesdale was more than muscle. He often fulfilled the role of a dear friend.

"Jake, we knew of their plan. Now our plan will be fulfilled and they will have no choice but to put blame on that Brownie. What are you worried about?" Maces questioned.

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