Its Only Natural

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Arianna's P.O.V

The only cohesive thought running through my head the moment I answered the door, was that this was the man from my dream. 

That thought of course also directed me to the idea that I was obviously going insane, and even though going crazy is the last thing I want to go through, it made a hell of a lot more sense than: 1. Thinking I was some supernatural being

2. Seeing a man I've only seen in dreams, now at my door, holding something, actual someone over his shoulder. 

Before I could even start to ponder whoin God's name he had slumped over his shoulder though, my mother spoke from behind me.

"I know you came here for her Lee, but I'm not going to give her up." 

Slowly a smirk crawled across the familiar man's face. "Now, now Katarina, there's no need for hostility here." Mr. Lee, who was still standing in the door-way, finally stepped inside the light the house was emitting, revealing that the slump on his shoulder was definitely human shaped. And as sick as it sounds I could also tell by the sweet smell wafting in the air that whoever it was, was bleeding. 

Looking between my mother and Lee, who seemed to be in some sort of silent battle of the mind, I couldn't help but think that there definitely needed to be some light shined on this situation.

"Could someone please tell me what is going on before I start freaking out more then I already am?" I asked looking into my mother's eyes for an answer.

"Arianna my dear, look how you've grown!" Mr. Lee replied behind me as if he had just noticed me. Turning towards the door and finally locking eyes with him for the second time in my life, I watched as the pretty blue drained out and became black.

"Wha-?" I started to question, but was interrupted by my mom.

 "No Arianna, this man is leaving and never stepping a foot in this house again, now will you please just leave Lee?"

Mr. Lee started making a "tsk"ing noise, and stepped even further into the house now. Causing me to take a step back.

"Now I would leave, but I have a feeling that that's not a very good idea right now." He replied, as he pulled the slumped person from over his shoulder, and set him on the ground. 

As I watched this happen, I finally realized who it was. I started to go to him but something hit me. A need came over me that I've never felt in my life before, a burning not only in my throat but also from within.  I took the steps towards Damon slowly. Seeing his unconscious body scared me, but also excited me in a sick way.

"That's it Arianna, follow your instincts." I slightly heard Mr. Lee say over the beating of blood I could now somehow hear like a drum beat.  Crouching down I took Damon's head in my hands and turned his face away giving me a full view of his neck. In my mind somewhere, I knew that this was wrong, I realized that this was my best friend and I didn't want to do this, but something had come over me and I wasn't in control any more. I was scared for myself, and Damon. As I leaned into Damon's neck, I'm pretty sure I heard my mother sobbing behind me, but I didn't care. I clamped down, and felt my teeth sink into the neck of my best friend in the entire world. The blood came rushing into my mouth and warmed my body, which I now noticed had become cold. It was an amazing feeling hearing the slowing heartbeat of another, mixed with your strong one, but it's also what snapped me out of the blood haze I'd acquired. That and the fact that Damon had started moaning in his sleep.

 I pulled away and stared at what I had just done. I was a monster. I just sucked the blood out of my best friend in front of other people. With that thought I started crying. Holding Damon's still body in my hands, I rocked back and forth and sobbed to myself as my mom and the familiar man watched me. 

I didn't care if they thought I was crazy, because I thought of myself as the crazy one now. I wanted Damon to wake up, but I was also afraid of what he would do when he found out what I had done.

"Arianna my love, it was only natural." I looked up at Mr. Lee, who had a sick smile plastered across his face.

Looking back down to Damon, his eyes started to flutter open. He was going to hate me.


Finally had the time to upload, if your still reading i hope you like it ;p

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