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My wolf stood absolutely starstruck at the sight before him.

The beautiful she-wolf sat on her haunches at the question I'd interrupted her thoughts with, her head slightly tilted to the side. She was smaller than we were, her coat while white, didn't hold the iridescent glow ours did, the two black lines that bound us however were on the side of her neck. One of her eyes were purple while the other was the normal crystaline blue it normally was.

I doubted she knew her wolf had fully taken over, my wolf was fighting for control too, he was practically skipping in my head at the sight of her killing the demon and even wagging her tail at the sight of her turning to ashes.

The bathroom door banged open and Dallas bounded through with bags on her arms.

"What in the Hell happened?" she pointedly looked at me and I pointed my head to Jax and whined.

She ran over to him and looked him over.

"He's fine just exhausted" She said in her southern accent and let out a sigh of relief. "Where's Air?"

From the corner she was sitting in she let out a little yip and Dallas's eyes got even wider than I thought possible.

"Holy Mary mother of Jesus, you're a friggen wolf."

Arianna started wagging her tail again and got a goofy looking wolf grin on her face that made my wolf snort despite the situation. Her wolf was a cheeky one.

"Yall just stay here I'm gonna go get some clothes for you too. God darnit you guys just got here and shits already gone batshit crazy." Dallas muttered while walking out the door.

I layed down and looked at the other wolf in the bathroom.

Air's wolf walked towards me and nipped at mine. She wanted to play, and so did mine, except in a much more less innocent way.

Air this is no time to play, we've got to figure out how this happened.

She let out another yip and nudged me with her head when I shifted positions, she then proceeded to prance away and then turn around and tackle me playfully biting at my ear. I now laid under her belly up.

Oh now she's just asking for it. I finally let my wolf come forth to play.

He went for her front left leg and nipped lightly making her hop back with a slowly wagging tail she leaned forward with her hind in the air and jumped pinning me this time on my back. My wolf snorted and slowly got up making her topple over. I could feel my tail swinging back and forth as I brushed my face against hers saying sorry and she purred.

He then took this opportunity to push his weight against hers and she toppled over again. She got up and headbutted me in annoyance and I licked her nose which her eyes widened at and she shyfully shrugged away making my wolf slightly disappointed but he still was wagging his tail.

Just then the bathroom door started to open again, but it wasn't Dallas, it was a couple teenage girls with high pitch voices and reeked of perfume that made me scrunch my nose up. They're voices halted when they saw the scenario laid out in front of them. Two white wolfs with strange markings a boy passed out and a pile of ash. Screams immediately started piercing my ears as they ran out of the bathroom screaming wolf.

Air and I shared a look and I immediately pushed my wolf to the back of my head again. I ran over too Jax and nudged him with my nose a couple of times and licked his face, after what felt like eternity he groaned and wiped a hand across his face wiping off the slobber I had just put there.

"Ugh what hap-" He was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door slamming open once again.

"Oh good you're awake" Dallas ran in and threw clothes at us "Change. Now. We've got to get out of here they're calling animal control and the security team is on the way."

I changed back to human form much easier than last time, it still hurt a lot but I could tell there was much more smoothness to it. I got dressed and then turned to Arianna who was pacing back and forth. I turned to Dallas.

"She doesn't know how to change back."

"Well she has about three minutes to figure it out or were screwed." She answered without looking at me and helped Jax up putting his arm around her shoulders. I walked over to Arianna and placed a hand on her back.

Look Air we really need to get going. Push your wolfs personality to the back of your head and focus. Think about what you did to turn into the wolf and then think about changing back.

I watched as she closed her eyes and began to slow her breathing, a cloud of purple smoke appeared and swirled around her body like a snake, covering her completely I could hear her bones snapping into place and watched in awe as she arose out of the smoke as if she were a goddess.

I quickly turned around and held the clothes Dallas had bought behind me, she grabbed them wordlessly and slipped them on.

"Okay let's go, they've cleared out most of the mall and I can't hear anyone around outside they must be busy with the people, we can walk out and blend in with the crowd." We all nodded and followed Dallas' lead without a word. We quickly walked away from the bathroom and swayed in with a crowd of unsettled people. Over the loud speakers a voice was asking people to "kindly exit the mall in an orderly fashion for safety purposes" and apologizing for any inconveniences.

"Jax I know you're sort of drained but you'll have to take out the security cameras of us entering and exiting the bathroom."

"Already done" he answered. His eyes now had dark rings underneath them and he was much paler than usual which is saying a lot considering he's a vamp, come to think of it so was Air. I looked towards her, she had her arms wrapped around her protectively, she was wearing a shirtsleeve plaid shirt and some shorts with tennis shoes and her hair was all on one side of her shoulders.

I could tell the number of people we were around was getting to her and if she couldn't stay in control we'd be in trouble, she was not only drained of energy but she had lost a lot of blood when the demon had cut her. She must be fighting hard right now, I held back a little so I was beside her and wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked.

"You'll be okay Air, were almost out."

She nodded without looking up at me and shielded her face with her hair, she was hurting and trying not to show it, she always forgets I know her way too well.

We finally made it to the car and hopped in, the driver immediately started heading back to the school. Jax went to a tiny compartment that must have been a fridge and pulled out two blood bags. He threw one to Air and looked at her pointedly till she picked up the bag and started drinking.

It was amazing how the life slowly poured back into her and Jax their coloring was much better, still pale but they would always be pale, and the circles under their eyes disappeared. Jax finished his and stretched, looking at me for a couple of seconds and then back to Air.

"So Air, not to be repetitive or anything but seriously how did you turn into a wolf?" Dallas asked looking at her with investigative eyes.

"I don't know, seriously, I just tried summoning my power and that's what happened, so I guess that's what my power is I don't know." She looked down at her hands frustrated. "Is that possible? Is that even a gift?"

Jax shook his head "I've never heard or read of it, if it is its pretty damn awesome, and if it isn't then I'm not sure how its remotely possible."

We pulled into the circular driveway of the mansion we now call home, Dallas and I gathered the bags and she looked back at our group.

"Were probably going to have to explain what happened to the headmaster, there's no getting around it so be prepared." She hopped down onto the ground and we followed in pursuit walking into the ominous front doors.


I hope everyones enjoying! thanks for reading xoxoxox <3 Olivia

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