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The ride to school didnt take long, and before I knew it I was looking at Sunny Springs High, home of the Fighting Sharks. The day turned out like any other for the most part, basically meaning I stayed to myself, and no one really talked to me other than Damon, which I was totally fine with.

The only time conflict came up, was in my upper-level math class. A senior that must've been held back at least twice kept on staring at me. As soon as we had a break in class, he walked up to my desk.

 "Hey, the names Whren. So where did you get your tattoo done?" he asked with a look of real interest that had not been there the entire class, until now. I wasn't really sure what to say, I mean I could just make up a name, but what if he pestered me for more information about the place? No one has ever really asked me before, partly because I try and make sure no one sees my mark. Also, kids normally know that i don't really talk, honestly they probably just think I'm weird. So instead of answering, I just gave him a look to back off, and he did, not talking to me the rest of the class. 

After school was over, Damon took me to our favorite ice cream shop in town, The Ice Box. The place was not really that well known, so today it was just us and an old couple that sat in the corner and laughed every once in a while. We walked up to the counter and the man smiled, "Hello, What can I get for you?"

"Lets see, let's get a mint chocolate chip cone for the birthday girl, and I'll have a vanilla milkshake." Damon replied. As the order and sale continued, I went to sit down at a booth. I was used to Damon ordering for me. Whether it was ice cream, or fast-food, he always knew what I wanted. As he joined me at the table and handed me my ice cream, I noticed he looked kind of anxious.

"What ?" I asked, knowing something was up.

With a look of alarm, he took a sip of his milkshake and mumbled , "Uhm its nothin."

"No its not 'nothin', I know when something is wrong. Now tell me."

He gave me an apologetic look, "well you see, uhm I gotta go." he said while quickly getting up and walking out of the shop.

I stared in disbelief after him. Did that really just happen ? I wonder if he found new, and better friends then me, and now he's just going to dump me as a friend. I got up, and threw away the rest of my ice cream, not really having much of an appetite, and wandered out of the restaurant. From here, it was about three blocks to my house, so it wouldn't take that long, but if he was going to just un-friend me he could've at least dropped me off first.

As I started down the street, I thought of all the good times that Damon and I had had together. The family vacations like Hawaii in sixth grade with his parents, where we sat on the beach and I watched him catch crabs and put them in stranger's bags. Or even in fifth grade, when all of his guy friends were picking on him cause he hung out with a girl all the time, so I walked up and screamed in their faces to shut up cause they weren't even brave enough to hang out with any girls except their mothers. I'm pretty sure they were in shock the rest of the day, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't cause I yelled at them but because they heard me talk.

Alright Arianna, you don't need him, if he was stupid enough to leave you then whatever it's his problem, you can find a new friend. I laughed to myself, probably making people looking outside their windows think of me as crazy. Who am I kidding? No one wants to be friends with the quiet girl in the back of the room that gives murderous stares and only ever talks to one person. 

I need Damon. 

As I thought this, tears started slipping down my face, it felt weird to cry because I haven't cried since I was a kid. When I finally reached my street, Maverick Drive, I was still wiping tears away as I opened the door to my quiet, dark house. With no warning, all the lights flickered on, and I saw Damon and my mother in the middle of the living room, yelling surprise. A thousand things entered my mind at once, including the desperate urge to hit Damon as they both walked up to me.

 "Hey, what's wrong? It's not that far from the ice cream shop." he said with deep concern, as I tried to wipe all the tears away and hit him on the shoulder.

"I thought you had gotten new friends, and didn't want to be mine any more." I said shamefully. How could I ever think Damon would do that to me?

"Of course he wouldn't do that honey!" My mother chimed in.

"Yeah Air, I only left because I thought I would give the surprise away. I would never stop being your friend! "

"Yeah I know I'm sorry I feel like an idiot." I said laughing as we walked in the kitchen, and I put my school bag away. The tiny party was really great, except for the stabbing headache that kept going and coming, I ignored it and hung out with the two people in the world that mean the most to me. No way was a stupid migraine going to ruin this. My mother had made a giant cake even though there were only three of us, and Damon had gotten me loads of cool stuff, but the fun had to come to an end eventually.

"Alright guys" my mother said interrupting Damon trying to force me into a silly headband he'd gotten for me as a joke. " I think its time for Damon to go, there is such a thing as school." Looking at the clock, I was surprised to see It was already 11:25 P.M.

"Oh wow, yeah I have to get home I totally forgot. I think it was my turn to make dinner tonight." Damon said scurrying around the house getting his stuff together, and when he finally found everything, I walked him to the door and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you so much for everything " I said in a muffled voice because my face was on his chest.

"No problem Air, and don't you ever think that I would leave you ,ever again, got it? " he asked with a slight smile, but with all seriousness also. I nodded, and with a smile, he walked out the door. As soon as the door shut my smile dropped, and so did I, my knees collapsed from under me and my hands were at my head, I'd kept my pain hidden while Damon was here but now it all rushed upon me. I really don't think this is a normal headache.


Im so soorry I know it been like a year since I posted :'( but heres another chapter and i know its kinda short but im really gonna try and update as much as I can.

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