Bad Dreams

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Arianna's POV

For some reason I could tell that I was dreaming, I was conscious in the imagined world of my various thoughts. I was with my mother and Damon is a small opening in a forest, it was a sunny day and through the ceiling of leaves the light dripped down, giving the clearing that we stood in a magical aura.

 My mother, who was holding a picnic basket and a blanket, started the task of getting the picnic started. Damon seemed to be having some sort of serious conversation with my mom and even though I was only a couple feet away from them, I couldn't hear a word that they were saying. I tried asking them what was being said, but it was then I learned that I had no control over my body or my voice. I watched in frustration as my mom set up the rest of the picnic and continued speaking with Damon. My body, moved itself following them and sitting down on the blanket.

Since I couldn't hear the conversation going on or include myself in it, I chose to admire my surroundings. It really was a beautiful place, wherever we were, exotic flowers filled the clearing and with my newly sensitive eyesight, I could even see the sparkles of dew making it even more picturesque. I was lost in the beautiful scene of the clearing when off in the distant woods that surrounded us, I noticed a crouched figure watching us. It was obviously a man by the way his body was shaped, and he was dressed in dark jeans and a black hoodie that shadowed his face enough that I couldn't see it. Without warning, the man surged forward with a speed only someone like Mr. Lee and I would have, whoever this guy was, he was definitely a vampire. Forgetting that I was temporarily out of use of my body, I tried to scream out to Damon because the man was growing closer and closer but it was in vain, my muscles didn't even move to respond.

The guy wrapped his arms around my best friend's neck and looked straight at me, and just like with Mr. Lee, his eyes flashed red and then turned back to their dark brown color that they started out with. I think it's a vampire thing and I couldn't help but wonder what color mine turned. Through the shadow the hood created even with my newfound eyesight I could only see so much, he had dark shaggy hair and a scar above his right eye. He wasn't particularly cute, his features portrayed fierceness more than anything.

Damon struggled but to no avail, the shadowed figure gave me a sick smile and twisted, letting a loud crack of bone enter the clearing.


I jerked out of bed and my hand shot up, covering my mouth before I could let out a piercing scream. It was dark outside but I could still see everything, including Damon missing from his spot in bed. I looked around the room and found him crouched in front of my bed in attack mode with fierce eyes that were glowing a vibrant purple.

The way he was standing was almost animal like, and and the ferocity in his face was spine chilling. It didn't even seem like my Damon anymore. 

"Uhm...Damon?" I asked still trying to slow my heart beat down from the dream I'd just had. It was weird, even though I'd been aware from the beginning that it had been a dream, it still scared the Hell out of me. "What in the world are you doing?" I said, giving him a weird look.

The question seemed to snap him out of the abnormal faze that he'd been in, closing his eyes he stood up straight and when he opened them again they were back to their normal sparkly blue.

"I...I don't know...., all I remember is knowing that something was wrong because somehow, I felt in myself, that you were afraid." He said as he climbed back onto the bed and sat criss-cross apple sauce across from me. It was weird seeing him like this, totally opposite from only moments before. Right now he looked like a little kid, but before, when I had woken up, he'd looked like a predator.

Looking over to my alarm clock I noticed that it was 9:30 PM, meaning that we had slept the entire day and I was guessing it was just about "twilight" or whatever Mr. Lee had called it. Which meant that we would be leaving, sooner rather than later.

"It was just a bad dream, don't worry" I said smiling. " I guess now that your my guardian you can turn into hulk or something." Damon laughed, and then turned serious.

 "So what was the dream about?" he asked curiously.

"It was nothing, just some scary stuff" I replied, wrapping my arms around myself. I knew he could tell I was lying, he could always tell if I was, but before he could call me out on it I heard the doorbell ring. Damon and I shared equally dreaded looks and started making our way down to the living room, which had recently had a knack for holding some pretty ominous conversations.

"Are you ready for all this ?" I asked Damon who laughed.

"Would anyone be ready for all this?" he said with a smile.

"True." I would give him that one, even I, who was kind of looking forward to discovering more about my family, wasn't ready.


Hope, everyone likes it so far !!! I'm having a lot of fun writing this book so I hope you guys are having fun reading it also.

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