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I looked and looked for Ability studies and unfortunately couldn't find the door until about five minutes after the bell rang again signaling the start of class.

I stood outside the classroom, taking a couple of big breaths and finally opened the door. It was pretty much like any other classroom accept that there were only about seven kids in here and it was a lot more fancy than normal school.

"Hello Ms. Nicoli, you're rather early" a deep voice came from the front room. I looked over and there was the absolute most gorgeous teacher that I had ever seen.

"I thought I was late actually" I responded, as I gazed into his eyes, which had flashed the same pink that Jax's eyes had, I guess they were related. He had short dark brown hair that went perfectly with his amazing features that were more god like than anything. His normal color eyes were a deep chocolate that matched his hair, and unlike most of the vampires I'd seen, he actually seemed to have muscle.

"Well yes. You are late in terms of the bell but your also early, according to these papers you shouldn't have woke up till at least next Sunday."

I'd started to blush realizing that I was still standing by the door and everyone was watching the conversation. "Its a long story" I smiled.

"Well, we're glad to have you anyways" he smiled "Welcome to Ability Studies my name is Mr. Vasile , please take a seat. Izzy will show you everything you need." I perked up when I heard Izzy's name, at least i'd know someone in here.

I walked over to Izzy who was sitting at a long expensive looking table, used for a desk and sat down beside her. "Hey Izzy" I smiled and poked her shoulder.

She didn't look over at first, but after about three seconds her head slowly turned, her face was a blank slate, there was absolutely no emotion. "Izzy?" her eyes blinked a couple times and she slowly came back.

"Oh hey Arianna, so your in this class also? " a huge smile formed on her face like nothing had happened and she put her hand to her forehead.

"You okay?" I wonder if she even knew what happened.

"Yea, just a killer headache ya know?"

I nodded my head and thought about it for a few seconds. "Hey, Izzy? Uh, what where you dong just now, when I came in?"

"So you noticed that huh?" she looked down and her light colored cheeks turned a bright pink. "Well the purpose of this class is so you can figure out and practice the ability given to you. Mine is clairvoyance although I haven't exactly got the hang of it though" she laughed. 'the most I've been able to do is scare my friends."

"Wow, that amazing Izzy!" she blushed again. " I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." I smiled.

If hers ability was clairvoyance, I wonder what Jaxs' is, or mine for that matter.

"Thanks Arianna, I sure do hope so" she got up. "Follow me, i'll show you everything." I followed her as she walked across the room.

"So there are books and supplies over here, you can study your family's history and hopefully it may give you some insight to your gift, but its not always the same as your relatives so be careful." she said with a sly smile. " Since you just woke up your gift won't even develop for a couple more days at least, so just talk to Mr. Vasile and study up on gifts, find out whats possible for us, it's really  amazing what we can do."

She gave me one last smile and walked back to the desk she was previously at. Looking around the class I saw the other six or so students all doing there own thing. Some of them were reading some gigantic ancient looking books while others had different objects in front of them varying from matches, to glasses of water, and even someone with a padlock staring intently at it.

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