History Lesson

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Arianna's POV

I gave my mom one last hug, and an I love you, then got in the back seat of the marvelous car with Damon right behind me. Before Damon shut the door, my mom leaned down to look at him.

"Take care of her for me?" She asked.

"Always have, and always will" he smiled and gave her a hug. "Thanks for everything Mrs.K" She smiled and shut the door.

The new car smell overwhelmed me as I sat in the dark leather interior of the car. Mr. Lee got in the front seat and started the engine which was almost silent; the soft purr was nothing compared to its actual power.

As we left the driveway I really started to feel the shock of everything that had happened. I basically had just turned 17, and turned into a vampire (well I'd been a vampire but that wasn't the point) only 1 day ago. Oh, and now I was headed off to some vampire school, with another vampire, and my Guardian/best friend. It was crazy.

Looking over to Damon, I watched as he looked out the window, it seemed strange that he was so quiet, he was always so filled with energy, but I wouldn't blame him, he was leaving the only life he'd ever known, just to come protect me.

I looked over to my window, not wanting to disturb his thoughts. The dark tinted windows of the car barely allowed me to see what was outside, not to mention that it was already night time, and the moon was hiding behind clouds, making the entire sky starless. My new sight could barely recognize that we were now on the freeway, and I could tell we were going fast, the Florida mixture of marsh and forest was a blur and it was also strangely hypnotizing. I found myself forcing my eyes to stay open, it was weird that I was so tired after sleeping an entire day, but I wrote it off to being in the car, I normally fell asleep in cars, especially when I was little. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I let the sleep take over.

Damon's POV

After only thirty minutes in the car, I heard Air's breathing slow and could tell that she'd fallen asleep. I looked over to her, worried. Why was she sleeping when we had just slept an entire day?

"Don't worry, she's sleeping because of the change. When her full Vampire powers came in, it forced all of the cells in her body to rip apart and change, her brain is just making her sleep because her internal body is tired and some of her cells are still healing. After they're fully healed, she won't need much sleep at all, she could go at least an entire week without it. " said Mr.Lee.

I acknowledged his comment with a hmph, and went back to staring out the window. I didn't want to talk to him, all he's done is screw up Air and I's life. My mind was still reeling from the last conversation I had with him, when he told me that I was a werewolf.

I wasn't sure if I would believe him or not, wouldn't I of noticed by now if I was anything but human? I knew that I had changed and become stronger, and faster, but could I go as far as saying that I was capable of changing into a wolf?

"So, Damon," Mr.Lee looked back at me from the front seat. "I'm sure you have some questions for me."

" I don't have any, because I don't believe you." I snapped back. Which immediately had Mr.Lee laughing his ass off. "what the Hell are you laughing at?" I growled, surprised at how much my anger had risen.

" Calm yourself my dear boy, I just find it funny that you are so incredibly blind that you cannot see the truth sitting plainly in front of you. Let me start from the beginning, maybe it will help explain a few things to you. The story goes like this, long ago when Demons roamed the earth causing chaos and destruction and Angels flew as guardians for the Humans. Demons, being the foul creatures they are, raped many human woman ,creating more demons, and ultimately more chaos. When the angels discovered this, two of them were sent from Heaven, one was a high ranked angel, the other was a guardian angel they were best friends. They went to all the woman who had been impregnated by the Demons, the high ranked Angel used his magic to draw a unique symbol that allowed him to put part of himself into the unborn child. Each symbol had to be different for it to work, and he had to put his own blood on the symbol which allowed light into the baby's soul, the guardian angel, however, wasn't as powerful as his friend, and had to link the children that he saved with the children that the other Angel saved. They created two new species, Vampire and werewolf." Mr.Lee slowed down at an exit and flicked on the blinker as he turned left. "Vampires were created by the high ranked Angel , they have an overwhelming amount of power but with that power comes consequences . The ones made from the guardian Angel were werewolves who have an intense protective persona and are basically made to be protectors of the child that they are linked with."

"So I was linked with Arianna?" I asked vaguely understanding what he had just said. "how did Air's dad know that we were linked?"

" It goes by family, your family and Arianna's are linked, which is why you share her family mark. Her Father's guardian was your dad's older brother, it could have easily been your own father but the guardians are chosen by closest age. You and Arianna are barely a year apart, and when she moved here you found her. Since the moment you met her your subconscious has willed you to protect her and you have. Once she changed, it took a bite from the one your linked too for your werewolf self to awaken."

"So I'm a werewolf... does that mean I like run around on all fours and howl at the full moon or something?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"No." He gave me a look that said this is serious. "That is not what happens, both of you have angel blood in you, but you also have demon blood. While Arianna is cursed with the craving of blood, the thing that keeps people alive, you Damon, are cursed with a short temper and one night each month where you loose control over yourself and instead your wolf takes control over your mind and body. For now each full moon you will have to be locked up, or you will wreck havoc on the world around you, until you learn to control it."

I shuddered, I didn't want to wreck havoc on anything! I looked over to Arianna who was asleep soundly and at some point had shifted so that her head was on my shoulder. I'm sure she didn't want the craving for blood though either. At least I would be able to be there for her, through anything.

I turned to the window, the moon was high in the sky above us and the forest had grown thicker around us as we made our way into a rural area.

"So how many of us are left?" I asked, curious.

"Not many, there's a world out there that you never imagined, a world where all those bumps in the night and unprovoked murderers, its all because of Demons. The school that were headed too, it teaches you to not only protect yourself but others around you also. While you are Arianna's guardian, you are also her partner. The academy were headed to only houses around 30 students including you 15 are vampires and the other 15 are their guardian wolves. This is only Florida however, there is a school in every state with about 20-50 students" he replied without emotion.

We made a sharp left and entered a small town, a sign told me that we were entering a place called Defuniak Springs and despite the fact I had lived in Florida my entire life, I had no idea that this place existed. The entire town looked as if it was from the Victorian era, we turned into a residential area and soon we came upon gigantic houses, like bigger than mansions. We finally came upon a gate covered in ivy. We stopped and waited till finally there was a buzz and the gate opened to present a long circular driveway and a house, well I couldn't really call it a house, it was more like a castle.

I gently shook Air's arm, trying to wake her. "Air, wake up." she wouldn't budge.

"You may have to carry her, her cells are still rebuilding." Lee said as he pulled the keys out and opened his door. I unbuckled my self and Arianna then opened the door. I picked up Air and her backpack , I held her like a baby and was surprised when it felt like she weighed virtually nothing, I mean yeah she was skinny but if I wasn't feeling her skin on mine, I would think I was holding nothing more than actual air.

Looking at the enormous building I felt nervous. Mr. Lee started walking towards the door which was equally enormous and pulled it open so I could step inside."Welcome to the School of the Cele Vechi" he said and closed the door with a slam behind me.

More like the School of the Damned I thought to myself.


Hope you enjoy :)

Thank you to all my readers, I love you guys

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